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Help with textdraws. - Printable Version

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Help with textdraws. - Whillyrez - 04.01.2017

Hi, I need help... I'm tired of trying make working this.
Let me explain you, I made this function.
PD: I know it seems long, but it's just about textdraws.

PHP код:
enum iText
infoT[playerid][textdrawid][xTP] = x;
infoT[playerid][textdrawid][yTP] = y;
printf("%f %f %i",x,y,textdrawid);

And I'm creating this textdraws.
PHP код:
new PlayerText:Textdraw[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_TEXTDRAWS];
Textdraw[playerid][0] = CreateTextDraw(0playerid359.319915243.331069"O");/*Textdraw[playerid][1] = */
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], 0.7956793.151572);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], 1);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], 0);
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], 51);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], 2);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playeridTextdraw[playerid][0], 1);
Textdraw[playerid][1] = CreateTextDraw(1playerid359.439971224.784439"O"); //Textdraw[playerid][0] =
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 0.7956793.151572);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 1);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 0);
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 51);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 2);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 1);

But, when I try to show the textdraws, it only shows the one that is first in "OnPlayerConnect". For example, now it's first Textdraw[playerid][0](It only shows this one), but if I put first Textdraw[playerid][1] it will only shows Textdraw[playerid][1].
Between, I made this "desbug" commands

PHP код:
Textdraw[playerid][1] = CreateTextDraw(1playerid359.439971224.784439"O"); //Textdraw[playerid][0] =
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 0.7956793.151572);
PlayerTextDrawAlignment(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 1);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 0);
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 51);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 2);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playeridTextdraw[playerid][1], 1);
But It didn't work... In the console, when I use CreateTextDraw it send the message(printf) fine, making me think the problem isn't there.
I'll rep the one who help.

Respuesta: Help with textdraws. - Whillyrez - 04.01.2017

Still need help.

Re: Help with textdraws. - Pearson - 04.01.2017

Can u show us u'r max_textdraw define?

Respuesta: Help with textdraws. - Whillyrez - 04.01.2017

I did it like this
PHP код:
#define MAX_TEXTDRAWS 54 

Re: Help with textdraws. - CutX - 04.01.2017

well, look at your "CreateTextDraw" function.
you use it like...
PHP код:
Textdraw[playerid][1] = CreateTextDraw(1,........... 
so, obviously, you expect it to return something
but you don't return anything, it'll always be "0"
in Textdraw[playerid][0] and Textdraw[playerid][1]

this is your function
PHP код:
infoT[playerid][textdrawid][xTP] = x;
infoT[playerid][textdrawid][yTP] = y;
printf("%f %f %i",x,y,textdrawid);
//you should return something here... textdrawid? you have to know its your function

Respuesta: Help with textdraws. - Whillyrez - 04.01.2017

Ignore this, It worked... Thanks both, repped.

Re: Respuesta: Help with textdraws. - CutX - 04.01.2017

Originally Posted by Whillyrez
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So, What I should return? I try to return
PHP код:
But it didn't work
how do you not know something like this yourself?

well, im not you so i don't know why you're creating the textdraws like this
but who am i to decide what's good or bad.

anyways, like i suggested in the comment behind the return,
try your textrawid variable... but idk why you're setting the id's yourself.
i mean "CreatePlayerTextDraw" already returns the actual id so why do dis?

//EDIT: alright, good that you got it to work