[Doubt] - Which command processor is faster? - Printable Version
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[Doubt] - Which command processor is faster? -
JhefTFJ - 04.01.2017
Hello everybody, I'm starting a gamemode from the beginning and it arrived in the part of the commands and I would like to know in your opinion which processor and commands but quick for me to include in my gamemode.
Re: [Doubt] - Which command processor is faster? -
saffierr - 04.01.2017
ZCMD is for me the easiest, though I recently saw a site which showed the fastest and I thought it was something with: 'pawn.cmd'
I'd go with zcmd.
Re: [Doubt] - Which command processor is faster? -
JhefTFJ - 04.01.2017
Originally Posted by saffierr
ZCMD is for me the easiest, though I recently saw a site which showed the fastest and I thought it was something with: 'pawn.cmd'
I'd go with zcmd.
Thank you very much, I'm going to zcmd same, rap++ for you
Respuesta: [Doubt] - Which command processor is faster? -
Whillyrez - 04.01.2017
I personally like ZCMD, I always use it.
EDIT: I didn't refresh before posting.
Re: [Doubt] - Which command processor is faster? -
SickAttack - 04.01.2017
Pawn.Cmd is horribly slower if you use the callbacks [OnPlayerCommand(Received/Performed)], I mean by a lot. It is a tad faster than the include above if the callbacks aren't used however (which is highly unlikely for a production server).
ZCMD is the first include that originated, it is still used even though faster command processors exist for that simple fact. It is quite slow performing several requests at a time however.
Look through the GitHub link above for benchmarks.