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IS_IN_RANGE - Printable Version

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IS_IN_RANGE - Whatwasit - 31.12.2016


What should I use to stop using "IS_IN_RANGE"

if(IS_IN_RANGE(string[0], '0', '9'))


Re: IS_IN_RANGE - SoLetsGO - 31.12.2016

What do you mean?
And where did you get the function from?

Re: IS_IN_RANGE - BiosMarcel - 31.12.2016

i don't see any reason to stop using it, where is the problem? What do you even want to achieve?

Re: IS_IN_RANGE - Whatwasit - 31.12.2016

I used it for another server using YSI ( and i'd like to set it in a server which do not use YSI yet. However, i do not remember the symbol.

The aim is to check that in the string there are numbers and if yes using strval

Re: IS_IN_RANGE - BiosMarcel - 31.12.2016

Make an equivalent?

PHP код:
    return (
character <= char2 && character >= char1);

This would work since characters are just numbers afterall (lookup the ascii table)

Or just ****** for a diffrent method?

Re: IS_IN_RANGE - PrO.GameR - 31.12.2016

Quite literally
PHP код: