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Streamer_GetNearbyItems - Printable Version

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Streamer_GetNearbyItems - ManGoe - 31.12.2016

I need a streamer with the following functions and I can't really compile it so don't ask me to go through the codes and compile simply, I need a mirror or a link to latest version of
@Incognito's streamer
With Streamer_GetNearbyItems

Re: Streamer_GetNearbyItems - Konstantinos - 31.12.2016

streamer.dll by me and by kadaradam for Linux (Debian).

pawn Код:
native Streamer_GetNearbyItems(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, type, STREAMER_ALL_TAGS items[], maxitems = sizeof items, Float:range = 300.0);

Re: Streamer_GetNearbyItems - ManGoe - 31.12.2016

Well +rep'd thanx.