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what the wrong here? - Printable Version

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what the wrong here? - Thanks - 29.12.2016

What the wrong here?

PHP код:
public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid)
ROBBING_DEAD[playerid] == 1)
string[64], pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_ORANGE"[ROBBING]: Go to hell DEAD");
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_ORANGE"[DEAD PLEASE]");
ROBBING_DEAD[playerid] =0;
mrand =random(150000);
format(string,sizeof(string),"[DEAD]: {FF9A00}%s(%d) has BEEN DEAD FROM CARS XD]",pName,playerid,mrand);

Re: what the wrong here? - Private200 - 29.12.2016

PHP код:
format(string,sizeof(string),"[DEAD]: {FF9A00}%s(%d) has BEEN DEAD FROM CARS XD]",pName,playerid,mrand); 
That's what wrong. mrand should be removed.

Re: what the wrong here? - Thanks - 29.12.2016

Originally Posted by Private200
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PHP код:
format(string,sizeof(string),"[DEAD]: {FF9A00}%s(%d) has BEEN DEAD FROM CARS XD]",pName,playerid,mrand); 
That's what wrong. mrand should be removed.
Hi, im removing the mrand still Problem, but 100% i thing From here...

Because i thing its not a vaild code....

Re: what the wrong here? - RedRex - 29.12.2016

Hi, In my idea You cannot use the OnplayerEnterRaceCheckpoint For robbing or complete robbing something... So You must use a

Something Like this And OnPleyerEnterCheckpoint And add Your Code i thing its will be Done without any errors.
Example = CreateDynamicCP(1284.6355,-60.6730,1002.4991, 3.0, -1, -1, -1, 100.0);

Re: what the wrong here? - Private200 - 30.12.2016

The problem I told you about will not show any warning while compiling, but it will definitely not be the same in-game. What are you trying to do and what is wrong with compiling? We cannot figure out the problem with just having part of a code.