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Reading ini files - Printable Version

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Reading ini files - GoldenLion - 23.12.2016

Hi, I have my server's settings saved in a file called "Server.ini". It's the only ini file that I need to read from so I decided to create my own function that reads the stuff inside instead of using a ini file reading include. It works, I printed the values and it's all good, but when it comes to setting the password then this is what happens:
in the server's log it's OK though:
[21:09:55] Setting server password to: "password"
[21:09:55] [SERVER]: Server is locked with a password of "password".
this didn't happen when I had an include and now when I try to connect with that password then it tells me it's the wrong password.
Here's the function:
	if (fexist("Server.ini"))
		new File:file = fopen("Server.ini", io_read), buffer[128], row[64], value[64], pos;
		while (fread(file, buffer))
			pos = strfind(buffer, "=");
			strmid(row, buffer, 0, pos);
			strmid(value, buffer, pos + 1, strlen(buffer) - 1);
			if (!strcmp(row, "Password")) strcpy(g_ServerPassword, value, 24);
			else if (!strcmp(row, "Taxes")) g_Taxes = floatstr(value);
			else if (!strcmp(row, "OOCEnabled")) g_OOCEnabled = strval(value);
			else if (!strcmp(row, "ShellsDisabled")) g_ShellsDisabled = strval(value);
			else if (!strcmp(row, "CorpsesDisabled")) g_CorpsesDisabled = strval(value);
	if (strcmp(g_ServerPassword, "0"))
	    new rcon[32];

	    format(rcon, sizeof(rcon), "password %s", g_ServerPassword);
	    printf("[SERVER]: Server is locked with a password of \"%s\".", g_ServerPassword);
What's up? Please don't tell me to use an include because I don't want to. :P Also when the password is 0 it still says that the server has a password.

Re: Reading ini files - SoLetsGO - 23.12.2016

What is wrong with the output?

Re: Reading ini files - GoldenLion - 23.12.2016

Did you look at the picture? Compare the picture and what is in the log.
This is in the picture:
"etting server password to: "password
".SERVER]: Server is locked with a password of "password
and this is in the log:
Setting server password to: "password"
[SERVER]: Server is locked with a password of "password".

Re: Reading ini files - Bolex_ - 23.12.2016

Increase string maybe ?

Re: Reading ini files - GoldenLion - 23.12.2016

Originally Posted by Scripter18
Посмотреть сообщение
Increase string maybe ?
Nope. 24 cells (size of g_ServerPassword) is enough for "password" and 64 for "value". Also I assume increasing the size has nothing to do with this.

EDIT: I tried printing g_ServerPassword like this:
printf("Password: |%s|", g_ServerPassword);
and it got messed up as well. This means wherever g_ServerPassword or any other thing I load gets printed it messes it up. Like the last one or two characters get moved to the beginning of the message. This is what it looked like:
|assword: |0

Re: Reading ini files - Bolex_ - 23.12.2016

You're not setting some variables correctly, so they're still 0/nothing!

Re: Reading ini files - GoldenLion - 23.12.2016

I looked here: and found that I need to exclude \r\n. So I changed
strmid(value, buffer, pos + 1, strlen(buffer) - 1);
strmid(value, buffer, pos + 1, strlen(buffer) - 2);
and it works now.