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Panels - GetVehicleDamageStatus? - Printable Version

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Panels - GetVehicleDamageStatus? - Chocopie - 21.12.2016

I just wonder what is Panels variables on this function? I just test that on UpdateVehicleDamageStatus but nothing change on the vehicle?

Function using:


decode_panels(panels, &front_left_panel, &front_right_panel, &rear_left_panel, &rear_right_panel, &windshield, &front_bumper, &rear_bumper)
front_left_panel = panels & 15;
front_right_panel = panels >> 4 & 15;
rear_left_panel = panels >> 8 & 15;
rear_right_panel = panels >> 12 & 15;
windshield = panels >> 16 & 15;
front_bumper = panels >> 20 & 15;
rear_bumper = panels >> 24 & 15;
encode_panels(front_left_panel, front_right_panel, rear_left_panel, rear_right_panel, windshield, front_bumper, rear_bumper)
return front_left_panel | (front_right_panel << 4) | (rear_left_panel << | (rear_right_panel << 12) | (windshield << 16) | (front_bumper << 20) | (rear_bumper << 24);


Re: Panels - GetVehicleDamageStatus? - X337 - 21.12.2016

GetVehicleDamageStatus(vehicleid, panels, doors, lights, tires);

That function is to get every vehicle panels status.

Re: Panels - GetVehicleDamageStatus? - Chocopie - 29.12.2016

Originally Posted by X337
Посмотреть сообщение
GetVehicleDamageStatus(vehicleid, panels, doors, lights, tires);

That function is to get every vehicle panels status.
Nah i know how that function work, i just wonder what is PANELS meaning? I just test all of them but can't see anything change when damaged on this.

Re: Panels - GetVehicleDamageStatus? - Jpew - 29.12.2016

Front and back bumper and this things