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Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - Printable Version

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Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - SukMathcuck - 16.12.2016

So, I've been experiencing a problem on my server, hacks that are doing the following:

By pulling the players to a certain place on the map, they are giving a "slap" type to some players, players who are driving are thrown high up at a very high speed, causing players to be kicked.

Does anyone have a clue what kind of hack it is? Do you have any protection against this?

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - Logic_ - 17.12.2016

PHP код:
check if new state and old state is driver
OPTIONALcheck if player is in vehicle
kick player 
PHP код:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playeridnewstateoldstate) {
oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - Vince - 17.12.2016

Isn't it ironic that you're complaining about hacks while you yourself have them installed?

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - SickAttack - 17.12.2016

Yeah, I've seen this. It's a version of so be it that comes with a client sided slap command.

But yeah, it's not the brightest idea to complain about others hacking when you have hacks installed yourself. I've seen server owners use hacks in stressful situations.

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - jlalt - 17.12.2016

I believe I can fly :')
[ the song made me cry lol ]
By the way sir, you're requesting anti cheat for a cheat you're currently using?

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - Sew_Sumi - 17.12.2016

Who says these are his videos...

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - SukMathcuck - 17.12.2016

This video is not mine, it's an example.

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - SickAttack - 17.12.2016

Originally Posted by SukMathcuck
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This video is not mine, it's an example.
That's what they all say

Re: Unknown Hack (New Hack)? - SukMathcuck - 17.12.2016

Originally Posted by SukMathcuck
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This video is not mine, it's an example.
Originally Posted by SickAttack
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That's what they all say
Yes, these people who doubt what people say right?!