MySQL Problem.. -
Younes44 - 16.12.2016
i'm still learning mysql so don't judge me :P ( i'm ini scripter
PHP код:
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(1243) : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(1246) : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(26693) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "Banip")
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(26706) : warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "BanCheck")
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(26711) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(26711) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(26711) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(26711) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(26711) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
7 Errors.
well.. is there wrong with my codes -_-
Line: 1243
PHP код:
PlayerInfo[i][Time] += 1;
Full code:
public PlayersData() {
foreach (new i : Player) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
PlayerInfo[i][Time] += 1;
if(PlayerInfo[i][Registered] == 1 && PlayerInfo[i][LoggedIn] == 1) {
new Query[250];
format(Query, sizeof(Query),"UPDATE `accounts` SET `Score` = '%d',`Money` = '%d',`TimeOnServer` = '%d' WHERE `Name` = '%s'",GetPlayerScore(i),GetPlayerMoney(i),PlayerInfo[i][Time],pName(i));
mysql_tquery(mysql, Query, "", "");
And line 26711:
PHP код:
format(Query, sizeof(Query),"UPDATE `banneds` SET `ip` = '%s' WHERE `name` = '%s'",pIP(playerid),pName(playerid));
full code:
PHP код:
public BanCheck(playerid) {
new rows, fields,ibanned[10][2],ifbanned[2],save[4][80],Query[250];
cache_get_data(rows, fields, mysql);
format(Query, sizeof(Query),"UPDATE `banneds` SET `ip` = '%s' WHERE `name` = '%s'",pIP(playerid),pName(playerid));
mysql_tquery(mysql, Query, "", "");
cache_get_field_content(0, "banned", ibanned[0], mysql, 10);
ifbanned[0] = strval(ibanned[0]);
if(ifbanned[0] == 1) {
cache_get_field_content(0, "date", save[0], mysql, 80);
cache_get_field_content(0, "time", save[1], mysql, 80);
cache_get_field_content(0, "bannedby", save[2], mysql, 80);
cache_get_field_content(0, "reason", save[3], mysql, 80);
new str[550],content[128]; format(content,sizeof content,"%s %s",save[0],save[1]);
format(str, sizeof(str),"{C0C0C0}Your Account's currently Banned.\n\n{00FFFF}In-Game Name: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Administrator: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Date: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Reason: {33FF33}%s\n{C0C0C0}* if you think that you're banned wrongfully,\n feel free to make unban appeal on our forum: \n forum link: coming soon",pName(playerid),save[2],content,save[3]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 801, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}You Are Banned!", str, "Close","");
SetTimerEx("kickplayer", 3000, false, "i", playerid);
return 1;
} else if(ifbanned[0] == 0) {
cache_get_field_content(0, "tempban", ibanned[1], mysql, 10);
ifbanned[1] = strval(ibanned[1]);
if(ifbanned[1] == 1) {
new whatdate;
whatdate = cache_get_field_content_int(0,"bdate",mysql);
new Year,Month,Day,tempbandate[3],string;
getdate(Year, Month, Day);
tempbandate[0] = 60 * 60 * 24 * Year;
tempbandate[1] = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * Month;
tempbandate[2] = 60 * 60 * 24 * Day;
string = tempbandate[0]+tempbandate[1]+tempbandate[2];
if(whatdate - string <= 0) {
format(Query, sizeof(Query),"UPDATE `banneds` SET `tempban` = 0,`bannedby` = %d,`reason` = %d WHERE `name` = '%s'",0,0,pName(playerid));
mysql_tquery(mysql, Query, "", "");
format(Query, 100, "DELETE FROM `bannedips` WHERE `ip` = '%s'",pIP(playerid));
mysql_tquery(mysql, Query, "", "");
return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33FF33AA,"Ban BOT: |- Your Ban Has been Expired -|");
new saves[3][128],by[128],expire;
cache_get_field_content(0, "date", saves[0], mysql, 128);
cache_get_field_content(0, "time", saves[1], mysql, 128);
cache_get_field_content(0, "reason", saves[2], mysql, 128);
cache_get_field_content(0, "bannedby", by, mysql, 128);
expire = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "bdate",mysql);
new str[550],content[128]; format(content,sizeof content,"%s %s",saves[0],saves[1]);
expire -= string;
expire /= 86400;
if(expire == 1) {
format(str, sizeof(str),"{C0C0C0}Your Account's currently Banned.\n\n{00FFFF}In-Game Name: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Administrator: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Date: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Reason: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Ban Expire After: {33FF33}%d Day\n{C0C0C0}* if you think that you're banned wrongfully,\n feel free to make unban appeal on our forum: \n forum link: comingsoon"\
if(expire > 1) {
format(str, sizeof(str),"{C0C0C0}Your Account's currently Banned.\n\n{00FFFF}In-Game Name: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Administrator: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Date: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Reason: {33FF33}%s\n{00FFFF}Ban Expire After: {33FF33}%d Days\n{C0C0C0}* if you think that you're banned wrongfully,\n feel free to make unban appeal on our forum: \n forum link: comingsoon"\
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 801, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}You Are Temporary Banned!", str, "Close","");
SetTimerEx("kickplayer", 3000, false, "i", playerid);
return 1;
if(ifbanned[1] == 0) {
banrows[playerid] = 1;
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `bannedips` WHERE `ip` = '%s'", pIP(playerid));
mysql_tquery(mysql, Query, "BanIPCheck", "i", playerid);
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT * FROM `bannedips` WHERE `ip` = '%s'", pIP(playerid));
mysql_tquery(mysql, Query, "BanIPCheck", "i", playerid);
return 1;
Re: MySQL Problem.. -
Logic_ - 16.12.2016
Code is messed up as fuck, rewrite your code, it's copy paste from a script as it makes feel feel that I've read the same code in a gamemode.
Change your custom callbacks into functions, not stock, instead of 'public Ban()' use 'Ban()'.
Re: MySQL Problem.. -
X337 - 16.12.2016
syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call
Change "Time" into something else in PlayerInfo enum.
public function lacks forward declaration (symbol "Banip")
All public functions must be forwarded.
error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
Show us the code on that line.
Re: MySQL Problem.. -
Younes44 - 16.12.2016
PHP код:
format(Query, sizeof(Query),"UPDATE `banneds` SET `ip` = '%s' WHERE `name` = '%s'",pIP(playerid),pName(playerid));
Re: MySQL Problem.. -
Runn3R - 16.12.2016
And also you shouldn't update the data by the players name, use the row id instead hence it is not changeable.
Re: MySQL Problem.. -
Younes44 - 16.12.2016
But i try to avoid this error.. i've added other codes.. and same errors
PHP код:
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(19653) : error 012: invalid function call, not a valid address
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(19653) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(19653) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(19653) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Younes\-\Nouveau doss4ier\mysql.pwn(19653) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.
whats wrong ?? i'm using MySQL R39-4
PHP код:
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `banneds` SET `ip` = '%s', `date` = '%s', `time` = '%s', `bannedby` = '%s', `banned` = '%d', `reason` = '%s' WHERE `name` = '%s'", pIP(player1),strdate,strtime,pName(playerid),1,tmp2,pName(player1));
Re: MySQL Problem.. -
Logic_ - 17.12.2016
Update to MySQL r39-6, there are some bug fixes in it.
PHP код:
format(Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `banneds` SET `ip` = '%q', `date` = '%q', `time` = '%q', `bannedby` = '%q', `banned` = '%d', `reason` = '%q' WHERE `name` = '%q'", pIP(player1), strdate, strtime, pName(playerid), 1, tmp2, pName(player1));
In the following query, what is the value of strdate, strtime and tmp2? Also use
%q instead of
%s where necessary.
Re: MySQL Problem.. -
Younes44 - 17.12.2016
well same..
between i've just changed ban system to mysql (accounts not yet :P )
i'll try to update mysql to R39-6( or 40)