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OnPlayerTakeDamage Run time error - Printable Version

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OnPlayerTakeDamage Run time error - Amads - 13.12.2016

PHP Code:
[19:39:44] [debugRun time error 4"Array index out of bounds"
[19:39:44] [debugAMX backtrace:
19:39:44] [debug#0 0007250c in public OnPlayerTakeDamage (playerid=0, issuerid=65535, Float:amount=4.95000, weaponid=54, bodypart=3) at C:\Users\Me\map.pwn:2670 
Those are some weird values... what's going on?

Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage Run time error - GoldenLion - 13.12.2016

Nothing weird about that. Show your OnPlayerTakeDamage.

Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage Run time error - Rdx - 13.12.2016

No need to show anything.

Just check

if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
before using issuerid.

Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage Run time error - Amads - 13.12.2016

Nvm, solved it! I had wrong weaponid assigned.