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Problem with dialog :) - Printable Version

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Problem with dialog :) - rahman - 11.12.2016

error 002: only a single statement (or expression) can follow each "case"

whats problem here guys? please help me

Re: Problem with dialog :) - Isolated - 11.12.2016

Please post the full code, but it sounds like you're using else if instead of case?

Re: Problem with dialog :) - rahman - 11.12.2016

Re: Problem with dialog :) - Yaa - 11.12.2016

Originally Posted by rahman
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Post Full code of OnDialogReponse

Re: Problem with dialog :) - rahman - 11.12.2016

Just this part is making me provlems

Re: Problem with dialog :) - Logic_ - 11.12.2016

PHP код:
case d_rconprovera
try this

Re: Problem with dialog :) - Private200 - 11.12.2016

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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PHP код:
case d_rconprovera
try this
You can't use 'case' without using 'switch'. If he is using 'else if', it means he has some 'else if', 'else', there. Full code must be provided.

Re: Problem with dialog :) - rahman - 11.12.2016