Two IDs for one client at same time? -
Swedky - 09.12.2016
I just was testing my hosted server, and I noticed I was ID 1
(no one was connected on my server lately
), and I just thought "well, there's were another player connected and I don't noticed it", but I saw server_log and I've this:
[19:51:40] Number of vehicle models: 41
[19:55:28] [connection] MY.IP:52257 requests connection cookie.
[19:55:28] [connection] MY.IP:52257 requests connection cookie.
[19:55:28] [connection] MY.IP:52257 requests connection cookie.
[19:55:28] [connection] MY.IP:52257 requests connection cookie.
[19:55:28] [connection] MY.IP:52257 requests connection cookie.
[19:55:31] [connection] incoming connection: MY.IP:52257 id: 0 // ???
[19:55:31] [connection] incoming connection: MY.IP:42372 id: 1 // ???
[19:55:35] [join] Swedky has joined the server (1:MY.IP)
[20:04:18] [connection] MY.IP:41722 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:18] [connection] MY.IP:41722 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:18] [connection] MY.IP:41722 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:18] [connection] MY.IP:41722 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:18] [connection] MY.IP:41722 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:19] [connection] MY.IP:41722 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:19] [connection] MY.IP:10698 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:19] [connection] MY.IP:10698 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:19] [connection] MY.IP:10698 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:19] [connection] MY.IP:10698 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:19] [connection] MY.IP:10698 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:20] [connection] MY.IP:10698 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:20] [connection] MY.IP:63621 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:21] [connection] MY.IP:63621 requests connection cookie.
[20:04:22] [connection] incoming connection: MY.IP:63621 id: 0 // ??
[20:04:30] [part] Swedky has left the server (1:2) // ??
[20:04:30] [part] Swedky has left the server (1:0) // ??
And I guess there's an issue, because when I joined again my player stats were "0, 0, 0, 0, 0..."
EDIT: I'm not using NPCs.
Re: Two IDs for one client at same time? -
J0sh... - 10.12.2016
This is probably because you kept sending cookie requests requests and SA-MP allowed 2, thus making 0,1 occupied (notice the ts). Then the server possibly realised this and kicked ID 0 with no notification. Then when you tried to reconnect ID 1 timedout.
There is no real explanation, but it's probably because you kept sending CRs all the time. (Cookie Requests)
Re: Two IDs for one client at same time? -
Swedky - 11.12.2016
That's a shit
Re: Two IDs for one client at same time? -
Sew_Sumi - 15.12.2016
Wifi sucks...
Is your connection flakey maybe?
Re: Two IDs for one client at same time? -
Drakey - 16.12.2016
I think you have network problems, it shows the player is trying to connect to the server but your WiFi is un-able to handle it.