- A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
¤Adas¤ - 27.11.2016
Hello guys,
I haven't visited this forum or SA-MP gameplay for years now, and now I think it's time to finally release some things I've been working on, and am rightfully proud of. The reason for sharing is just that I wanted to share all my work I've been doing when I was a SAMP-playing teen. If I recall correctly, most of this was created when I was 14-16 years old.
This include is related to my unfinished gamemode and finished filterscript I've released (see the links below). It can be used for whatever you want, but there's a catch - you'll kinda have to figure out what all the functions do (in case it's not obvious from the script), because I don't have the time to write it all down, it also includes quite a lot of functions. Also, my programming style is both very messy and very clear in a sense. Sometimes it may seem overly simplified. I also almost never added comments to my scripts since I've had no idea I would be sharing them once.
To name a few:
Text editing functions
Object moving functions (related to my Mustang object editor)
Checkpoint streamer
Completely random functions (SetPlayerFaceToPlayer...)
Functions I don't recall because it's been such a long time.
Here is the link to it:
Links to my gamemode and filterscript that use this file:
If you're an experienced programmer, you should understand 98% of the functions, sometimes what they do is in their name. Regardless, have fun with them!
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Dayrion - 27.11.2016
Post a pastebin link please.
EDIT: There is no intendation. It's like unreadable.
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
¤Adas¤ - 27.11.2016
Thanks for your reply. I know it's almost unreadable, but understand it's all I have. This was my style. You're free to dislike it, but that's about it. I know the reality of it. I know it's messy.
But who really wants to take something out of it and is curious, will definitely benefit from it.
Have a great day.
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
oMa37 - 27.11.2016
Pastebin please.
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
¤Adas¤ - 27.11.2016
Pastebin link now in the original post. Enjoy.
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Pottus - 27.11.2016
stock DoNothing() return true;
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
¤Adas¤ - 27.11.2016
Yes, that kind of stuff is also included there.
Some functions really have no function.
Others very limited.
I would also like to add that some functions are not 100% mine, sometimes I was inspired by someone else's job but always improved/added something.
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Ivan_Ino - 27.11.2016
Nice, but you should use TAB somewhere...
it will be readable
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
oMa37 - 27.11.2016
Horrible, really horrible ...
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Swedky - 27.11.2016
pawn Код:
stock minusrandom(max)
new rana[2];
rana[0] = random(max);
rana[1] = random(max);
return rana[0] - rana[1];
pawn Код:
#define minusrandom(%1) (random(%1) - random(%1))
stock Wait(interval)
new TickCount = GetTickCount();
while(GetTickCount() - TickCount < interval) DoNothing();
return true;
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
¤Adas¤ - 27.11.2016
Yeah dude. Even I don't know.
I was probably testing something that I forgot, and the functions remained, lol.
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Yashas - 28.11.2016
Originally Posted by EnzoMetlc
stock Wait(interval)
new TickCount = GetTickCount();
while(GetTickCount() - TickCount < interval) DoNothing();
return true;
Makes the server sleep. It works though.
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Pearson - 28.11.2016
Horrible, Its so horrible
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
AbyssMorgan - 28.11.2016
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Dignity - 10.12.2016
Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
lmfao i laughed
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Swedky - 10.12.2016
Originally Posted by Yashas
Makes the server sleep. It works though.
Sure it works, but why "GetTickCount() - GetTickCount() < interval" instead "0 < interval"?
Re: - A lot of random useful functions (also necessary for my releases) -
Yashas - 09.02.2017
Originally Posted by Swedky
Sure it works, but why "GetTickCount() - GetTickCount() < interval" instead "0 < interval"?
That is an infinite loop.
His code isn't an infinite loop. After executing the loop millions of times, GetTickCount will return a new value whereas TickCount will remain the same. It works like the sleep() function.
EDIT: Oops. I bumped. Sorry.