Missing a bracket, code working -
TwinkiDaBoss - 25.11.2016
Alright so uhm I am not sure why but why the fuck is this working lol
I have opened 3 brackets, closed only 2, Im not getting any errors for some odd reason. When I try to close 3 of them I do get an error saying "Umatching bracket"
pawn Code:
stock createFactionRank(faction_id, rank_name[], power) { //first bracket
for(new = 0; i< MAX_FACTION_RANKS; i++) { //second
if(rankInfo[i][fr_Valid] == 0) { //third
rankInfo[i][fr_ID] = i;
rankInfo[i][fr_Valid] = 1;
rankInfo[i][fr_Power] = power;
new query[128];
mysql_format(mysql,query,sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO faction_rank (`faction_id`,`rank_name`,`faction_rank_power`) VALUES (%d,'%e',%d)",faction_id, rank_name, power);
} //first closing
} //second second
Re: Missing a bracket, code working -
Micko123 - 25.11.2016
try this
PHP Code:
stock createFactionRank(faction_id, rank_name[], power)
for(new = 0; i< MAX_FACTION_RANKS; i++)
if(rankInfo[i][fr_Valid] == 0)
rankInfo[i][fr_ID] = i;
rankInfo[i][fr_Valid] = 1;
rankInfo[i][fr_Power] = power;
new query[128];
mysql_format(mysql,query,sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO faction_rank (`faction_id`,`rank_name`,`faction_rank_power`) VALUES (%d,'%e',%d)",faction_id, rank_name, power);
Re: Missing a bracket, code working -
TwinkiDaBoss - 25.11.2016
Thats not what Im trying to achieve.
This is the code with brackets placed normaly
pawn Code:
stock createFactionRank(faction_id, rank_name[], power)
for(new = 0; i< MAX_FACTION_RANKS; i++)
if(rankInfo[i][fr_Valid] == 0)
rankInfo[i][fr_ID] = i;
rankInfo[i][fr_Valid] = 1;
rankInfo[i][fr_Power] = power;
new query[128];
mysql_format(mysql,query,sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO faction_rank (`faction_id`,`rank_name`,`faction_rank_power`) VALUES (%d,'%e',%d)",faction_id, rank_name, power);
As you can see, there is 1 missing to close the function
Re: Missing a bracket, code working -
Konstantinos - 25.11.2016
Do you even call
createFactionRank anywhere? You'd definitely get errors:
//error 001: expected token: "-identifier-", but found "="
for(new = 0; i< MAX_FACTION_RANKS; i++)
// to:
for(new i = 0; i< MAX_FACTION_RANKS; i++)
pawn Code:
unless you use Zeex's compiler patch, it'd give an error 001: expected token: "]", but found "-integer value-".
strcpy is also recommended instead of format.
Re: Missing a bracket, code working -
TwinkiDaBoss - 25.11.2016
Ah that explains it, I was wondering why I was getting the unmatched error with 3 brackets, didnt know that mistake like that can cause a loop like that to be ignore by the compiler. Thanks man
Adding i basically got rid of the extra bracket error
Re: Missing a bracket, code working -
Micko123 - 25.11.2016
-too late-