Help -
bugmenotlol - 21.11.2016
i had a mysql vehicle system
but unfortunately it canot be loaded after player buys a vehicle.
its lke insert into pvehicles .... bla bla
now i need to laod it to game soon after player buys a vehicle.
how can i do it ??
Re: Help -
Sithis - 21.11.2016
Start by showing us the relevant pieces of your script.
Re: Help -
bugmenotlol - 21.11.2016
Used to load vehicles when server starting
PHP код:
stock AddPlayerVehicles()
new Str[750], vTotal, vehID, vehModel, Float:vehX, Float:vehY, Float:vehZ, Float:vehA, vehC1, vehC2, vehOwnedBy[24], ForSale, DefaultPrice, Price, Locked;
new carmod[17];
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pvehicles`");
vTotal = mysql_num_rows();
new carid = 0;
if(vTotal > 0)
sscanf(Str, "p<|>dds[24]ffffddddddddddddddddddddddd",
new carid2 = CreateVehicle(vehModel, vehX, vehY, vehZ, vehA, vehC1, vehC2, (30 * 60));
PVInfo[carid][vpID] = vehID;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosX] = vehX;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosY] = vehY;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosZ] = vehZ;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosA] = vehA;
PVInfo[carid][vpColor1] = vehC1;
PVInfo[carid][vpColor2] = vehC2;
PVInfo[carid][vpModel] = vehModel;
PVInfo[carid][vpForSale] = ForSale;
PVInfo[carid][vpDefaultPrice] = DefaultPrice;
PVInfo[carid][vpPrice] = Price;
PVInfo[carid][vpLocked] = Locked;
PVInfo[carid2][mod1] = carmod[0];
PVInfo[carid2][mod2] = carmod[1];
PVInfo[carid2][mod3] = carmod[2];
PVInfo[carid2][mod4] = carmod[3];
PVInfo[carid2][mod5] = carmod[4];
PVInfo[carid2][mod6] = carmod[5];
PVInfo[carid2][mod7] = carmod[6];
PVInfo[carid2][mod8] = carmod[7];
PVInfo[carid2][mod9] = carmod[8];
PVInfo[carid2][mod10] = carmod[9];
PVInfo[carid2][mod11] = carmod[10];
PVInfo[carid2][mod12] = carmod[11];
PVInfo[carid2][mod13] = carmod[12];
PVInfo[carid2][mod14] = carmod[13];
PVInfo[carid2][mod15] = carmod[14];
PVInfo[carid2][mod16] = carmod[15];
PVInfo[carid2][mod17] = carmod[16];
PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleSpawned] = carid2;
if(ForSale == 1)
format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s for sale!\nPrice: $%d (Seller: %s)\n/dealership to purchase!", GetVehicleFriendlyName(carid2),Price, vehOwnedBy);
PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText] = Create3DTextLabel(Str, 0xFFFFFFAA, vehX, vehY, vehZ, 50.0, 0, 1);
format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s\nOwner: %s", GetVehicleFriendlyName(carid2),vehOwnedBy);
PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText] = Create3DTextLabel(Str, 0xFF8400FF, vehX, vehY, vehZ, 50.0, 0, 1);
Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText], carid2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
new string[64];
strmid(PVInfo[carid][vpOwnedBy], string, 0, strlen(string), 128);
new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
if(Locked == 1) { SetVehicleParamsEx(carid2,engine,lights,alarm,1,bonnet,boot,objective); }
else if(Locked == 0) { SetVehicleParamsEx(carid2,engine,lights,alarm,0,bonnet,boot,objective); }
it is used to add vehicles and up one is used to load when server starting/ongamemodeinit
stock AddVehicle(playerid, price)
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A;
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, X, Y, Z);
GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, A);
new model = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid);
new query[450];
format(query,sizeof(query),"INSERT INTO pvehicles (OwnedBy,VehicleForSale,VehicleDefaultPrice,VehiclePrice,VehicleX,VehicleY,VehicleZ,VehicleA,VehicleModel,VehicleColor1,VehicleColor2) VALUES ('Server','1','%d','%d','%f','%f','%f','%f','%d', '1', '1')", price, price, X,Y,Z,A,model);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Created vehicle in this position!");
return 1;
i need to make it as a dealer so when player buys a vehicles it should automatically load to server soon after buying without the need of server restarrt
Re: Help -
bugmenotlol - 21.11.2016
Re: Help -
bugmenotlol - 21.11.2016
anyone ?
Re: Help -
bugmenotlol - 21.11.2016
i had also made this but still
PHP код:
public ReloadVehicle(vehicleid)
new carid = vehicleid;
new Str[250], vTotal, vehID, vehModel, Float:vehX, Float:vehY, Float:vehZ, Float:vehA, vehC1, vehC2, vehOwnedBy[24], ForSale, DefaultPrice, Price, Locked;
new carmod[17];
new query[512];
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM `pvehicles` WHERE `VehicleID` = '%d' LIMIT 1", vehicleid);
vTotal = mysql_num_rows();
if(vTotal > 0)
sscanf(Str, "p<|>dds[24]ffffddddddddddddddddddddddd",
new carid2 = CreateVehicle(vehModel, vehX, vehY, vehZ, vehA, vehC1, vehC2, (30 * 60));
PVInfo[carid][vpID] = vehID;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosX] = vehX;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosY] = vehY;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosZ] = vehZ;
PVInfo[carid][vpPosA] = vehA;
PVInfo[carid][vpColor1] = vehC1;
PVInfo[carid][vpColor2] = vehC2;
PVInfo[carid][vpModel] = vehModel;
PVInfo[carid][vpForSale] = ForSale;
PVInfo[carid][vpDefaultPrice] = DefaultPrice;
PVInfo[carid][vpPrice] = Price;
PVInfo[carid][vpLocked] = Locked;
PVInfo[carid2][mod1] = carmod[0];
PVInfo[carid2][mod2] = carmod[1];
PVInfo[carid2][mod3] = carmod[2];
PVInfo[carid2][mod4] = carmod[3];
PVInfo[carid2][mod5] = carmod[4];
PVInfo[carid2][mod6] = carmod[5];
PVInfo[carid2][mod7] = carmod[6];
PVInfo[carid2][mod8] = carmod[7];
PVInfo[carid2][mod9] = carmod[8];
PVInfo[carid2][mod10] = carmod[9];
PVInfo[carid2][mod11] = carmod[10];
PVInfo[carid2][mod12] = carmod[11];
PVInfo[carid2][mod13] = carmod[12];
PVInfo[carid2][mod14] = carmod[13];
PVInfo[carid2][mod15] = carmod[14];
PVInfo[carid2][mod16] = carmod[15];
PVInfo[carid2][mod17] = carmod[16];
if(ForSale == 1)
format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s for sale!\nPrice: $%d (Seller: %s)\n/dealership to purchase!", GetVehicleFriendlyName(carid2),Price, vehOwnedBy);
PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText] = Create3DTextLabel(Str, 0xFF8400FF, vehX, vehY, vehZ, 50.0, 0, 1);
format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%s\nOwner: %s", GetVehicleFriendlyName(carid2),vehOwnedBy);
PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText] = Create3DTextLabel(Str, 0xFF8400FF, vehX, vehY, vehZ, 50.0, 0, 1);
Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleText], carid2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
new string[64];
strmid(PVInfo[carid][vpOwnedBy], string, 0, strlen(string), 128);
PVInfo[carid][vpVehicleSpawned] = carid2;
new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
if(Locked == 1) { SetVehicleParamsEx(carid2,engine,lights,alarm,1,bonnet,boot,objective); }
else if(Locked == 0) { SetVehicleParamsEx(carid2,engine,lights,alarm,0,bonnet,boot,objective); }