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[debug] OnPlayerTakeDamage - Printable Version

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[debug] OnPlayerTakeDamage - TaylorShade - 18.11.2016

[00:08:01] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[00:08:01] [debug] #0 00032030 in public OnPlayerTakeDamage () at C:\Users\stefan\Desktop\Fusion Gaming NEW\Compiler\include\YSI\y_hooks/
[00:08:02] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[00:08:02] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[00:08:02] [debug] #0 00032030 in public OnPlayerTakeDamage () at C:\Users\stefan\Desktop\Fusion Gaming NEW\Compiler\include\YSI\y_hooks/
[00:08:02] [connection] incoming connection: id: 3
[00:08:02] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[00:08:02] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[00:08:02] [debug] #0 00032030 in public OnPlayerTakeDamage () at C:\Users\stefan\Desktop\Fusion Gaming NEW\Compiler\include\YSI\y_hooks/
[00:08:05] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[00:08:05] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[00:08:05] [debug] #0 00032030 in public OnPlayerTakeDamage () at C:\Users\stefan\Desktop\Fusion Gaming NEW\Compiler\include\YSI\y_hooks/
[00:08:06] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[00:08:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 3
[00:08:07] [join] Gepa_Kusa has joined the server (3:
[00:08:22] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[00:08:22] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[00:08:22] [debug] #0 00032030 in public OnPlayerTakeDamage () at C:\Users\stefan\Desktop\Fusion Gaming NEW\Compiler\include\YSI\y_hooks/
[00:08:34] [debug] Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[00:08:34] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[00:08:34] [debug] #0 00032030 in public OnPlayerTakeDamage () at C:\Users\stefan\Desktop\Fusion Gaming NEW\Compiler\include\YSI\y_hooks/
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart)
	P:2("Hooks_OnPlayerTakeDamage called: %d, %d, %f, %d, %d", playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart);
		end   = _:YSI_g_sCallbackEnd[ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage],
		start = _:YSI_g_sCallbackStart[ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage],
		ret = ALS_R_PlayerTakeDamage;
	while (start++ != end)
		#emit PUSH.S bodypart
		#emit PUSH.S weaponid
		#emit PUSH.S amount
		#emit PUSH.S issuerid
		#emit PUSH.S playerid
		#emit PUSH.C     16
		#emit CONST.alt  YSI_g_sCallbackAddresses
		#emit LOAD.S.pri start
		//#emit INC.pri
		//#emit STOR.S.pri start
		#emit LIDX
		#emit MOVE.alt
		#emit LCTRL      6
		#emit ADD.C      24
		#emit PUSH.pri
		#emit MOVE.pri
		#emit SCTRL      6
		#emit MOVE.alt
		#emit CONST.pri  0xFFFFFFFE
		#emit AND
		#emit PUSH.pri
		#emit LOAD.S.pri ret
		#emit AND
		#emit POP.alt
		#emit OR
		#emit STOR.S.pri ret
		if (ret < 0) return ret + 1;
	return ret;//line 2373
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage
	#undef OnPlayerTakeDamage
	#define _ALS_OnPlayerTakeDamage
#define OnPlayerTakeDamage S@@_OnPlayerTakeDamage

Re: [debug] OnPlayerTakeDamage - TaylorShade - 19.11.2016
