Valid characters - Printable Version
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Valid characters -
MerryDeer - 13.11.2016
I found somewhere made that function:
stock IsValidPassword(pass[])
for(new i; i<strlen(pass); i++)
if((pass[i] < 48) || (pass[i] > 57 && pass[i] < 67) || (pass[i] > 90 && pass[i]< 97) || (pass[i] > 122)) return 0;
return 1;
This that special characters can crash server, so everywhere player can input, or write i have to check? where i have to use that above?
Re: Valid characters -
Vince - 14.11.2016
This is some bullshit. Anything under 32 are control characters so in normal circumstances these aren't used (can't even type with the keyboard) and the rest are normal characters.