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[GameMode] Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - Printable Version

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Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - DomagojSellug - 12.11.2016

Domac's TDM

After a hard 2 weeks of work, I finally got the gamemode to the stage where it can be downloaded. At the current stage, the gamemode is easy to be edited, you can make your own changes now. The gamemode is very simple now, and it's unfinished, so, don't expect cookies and milk from it.
*Basic TDM System
*Basic Commands
*Random Messages
*LuxAdmin System (Edited)
*3 Teams
*Weapons Shop (by me, lol)
*Event Creating System
*FPS Counter

Bugs (report by replying):
-The bleeding system is glitchy. Might kill you on your first spawn.
-Cars don't spawn yet, but can be added over a LuxAdmin command. (/veh, or /car)
-(LUXADMIN): Some of the USAGE messages are wrong.
... and some more.

DOWNLOAD: Pastebin (Not Recommended, just to see what is it like...)
MEGA, cuz MediaFire is a bitch (Recommended)
I hope you guys enjoy it. It's my first GM. It has bugs, and of course, report them. I am doing my best to fix them.

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - Sumit4 - 13.11.2016

Hey,Download link is blocked any other link please

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - DomagojSellug - 13.11.2016

Originally Posted by Sumit4
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Hey,Download link is blocked any other link please
MediaFire is a @&#&$&@-@-#-# @@%@%%##&@&#&$#&$-!!!!!!

I'll post the PasteBin when I get on my PC.

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - DomagojSellug - 13.11.2016

Links updated, Pastebin added, MEGA Link is added... Enjoy!

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - RyderX - 13.11.2016

Finaly! good job bro seems nice keep it up (i can't REP Now i don't Have permission Tomorrow i will)

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - Logic_ - 13.11.2016

I would suggest you to move onto MySQL at the first place and making everything from scratch. MySQL might be a little hard, but all you do is arrange the data, save and load it. You can also use SQLite, if you want to.

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - DomagojSellug - 13.11.2016

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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I would suggest you to move onto MySQL at the first place and making everything from scratch. MySQL might be a little hard, but all you do is arrange the data, save and load it. You can also use SQLite, if you want to.
I'll see about that. Thx for the support, guys!

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - DomagojSellug - 18.11.2016

Thank you guys, I was a bit busy, and now I'm working on the script again

Re: Domac's TDM *UNFINISHED/W-I-P* - RyderX - 18.11.2016

Good Luck Bro