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server attack - crash - Printable Version

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server attack - crash - Amads - 01.11.2016

How can I protect my server from this attack?

PHP Code:
[13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6463 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6464 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6465 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6466 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6467 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6468 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6469 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6470 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6471 requests connection cookie.
13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6463 id7
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6465 id16
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6467 id18
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6469 id19
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6468 id22
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6464 id23
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6470 id24
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6466 id25
[13:03:14] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6471 id26
[13:03:14] [connection31.0.120.49:6473 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6473 id27
[13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6475 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6476 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6477 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6478 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6475 id28
[13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6476 id29
[13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6477 id30
[13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6479 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6480 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6481 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6482 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6483 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connection31.0.120.49:6484 requests connection cookie.
13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6478 id31
[13:03:15] [joinDaxLer1543_4 has joined the server (18:
13:03:15MAXIPsConnecting player(18exceeded 3 IP connections from
13:03:15] [partDaxLer1543_4 has left the server (18:2)
13:03:15] [joinDaxLer1543_0 has joined the server (7:
13:03:15MAXIPsConnecting player(7exceeded 3 IP connections from
13:03:15] [partDaxLer1543_0 has left the server (7:2)
13:03:15] [joinDaxLer1543_2 has joined the server (16:
13:03:15MAXIPsConnecting player(16exceeded 3 IP connections from
13:03:15] [partDaxLer1543_2 has left the server (16:2)
13:03:15] [joinDaxLer1543_6 has joined the server (19:
13:03:15MAXIPsConnecting player(19exceeded 3 IP connections from
13:03:15] [partDaxLer1543_6 has left the server (19:2)
13:03:15] [joinDaxLer1543_1 has joined the server (23:
13:03:15MAXIPsConnecting player(23exceeded 3 IP connections from
13:03:15] [partDaxLer1543_1 has left the server (23:2)
13:03:15] [joinDaxLer1543_7 has joined the server (24:
13:03:15MAXIPsConnecting player(24exceeded 3 IP connections from
13:03:15] [partDaxLer1543_7 has left the server (24:2)
13:03:15Player slot (26is takenKicking
[13:03:15] [npc:partZombie26 has left the server (26:2)
13:03:15] [joinDaxLer1543_5 has joined the server (22:
13:03:15Player slot (25is takenKicking
[13:03:15] [npc:partZombie25 has left the server (25:2)
13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6481 id7
[13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6479 id16
[13:03:15] [connectionincoming connection31.0.120.49:6480 id18
[13:03:15] [debugServer crashed due to an unknown error
[13:03:15] [debugNative backtrace:
13:03:15] [debug#0 f74dce8b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#1 f74d5bcf in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#2 f74d6dbc in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#3 f74d7226 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#4 f74dcadc in ?? () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#5 f77c6410 in ?? ()
[13:03:15] [debug#6 f77c6430 in ?? ()
[13:03:15] [debug#7 f752b6c1 in gsignal () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[13:03:15] [debug#8 f752eaf2 in abort () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[13:03:15] [debug#9 f7566e25 in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[13:03:15] [debug#10 f7570f41 in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[13:03:15] [debug#11 f75727a8 in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[13:03:15] [debug#12 f75758ed in cfree () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[13:03:15] [debug#13 f76f94bf in _ZdlPv () from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
[13:03:15] [debug#14 080e2239 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[13:03:15] [debug#15 f741c9d3 in ?? () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#16 f74875e7 in ?? () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#17 f748e80c in ?? () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#18 f748eaf3 in ?? () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#19 f744aa85 in ProcessTick () from plugins/
[13:03:15] [debug#20 080d1ce2 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[13:03:15] [debug#21 080aef6c in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[13:03:15] [debug#22 080aa13a in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[13:03:15] [debug#23 f7517e46 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/
[13:03:15] [debug#24 0804b4e1 in ?? () from ./samp03svr 

Re: server attack - crash - iLearner - 01.11.2016

Ban that IP?