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Help - NealPeteros - 01.11.2016

[debug] Server crashed while executing dayofthedead.amx
[17:27:46] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:27:46] [debug] #0 native CreateDynamic3DTextLabel () from streamer.DLL
[17:27:46] [debug] #1 00038968 in public RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn (1) from dayofthedead.amx
[17:27:46] [debug] #2 000027e0 in public OnPlayerSpawn (1) from dayofthedead.amx
[17:27:47] [debug] Native backtrace:
[17:27:47] [debug] #0 6f83a707 in ?? () from plugins\streamer.DLL
[17:27:47] [debug] #1 6f84c0bf in ?? () from plugins\streamer.DLL
[17:27:47] [debug] #2 004010b6 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[17:27:47] [debug] #3 5c46c82a in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[17:27:47] [debug] #4 5c4723a8 in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[17:27:47] [debug] #5 5c46a207 in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[17:27:47] [debug] #6 5c46c87a in ?? () from plugins\crashdetect.DLL
[17:27:47] [debug] #7 0046da20 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[17:27:47] [debug] #8 76f51faf in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
[17:27:47] [debug] #9 76bbf1ac in ?? () from C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
[17:27:47] [debug] #10 004aa31e in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[17:27:47] [debug] #11 68106ac3 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[17:27:47] [debug] #12 004ba788 in ?? () from samp-server.exe

Re: Help - StrikerZ - 01.11.2016

You have latest plugins? If yes and then have you installed visual studio redistributable?

Re: Help - NealPeteros - 01.11.2016

Fixed it. Downgraded streamer for the moment. I'll upgrade it soon

Re: Help - StrikerZ - 01.11.2016

When you upgrade make sure to install visual studio redistributable

Re: Help - NealPeteros - 01.11.2016

Can you give me a link where I can download that? I'm using Windows. Too lazy to search.

Re: Help - NealPeteros - 01.11.2016

Found it. Only problem is that it fails to install

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package (x86) Setup Failed

Re: Help - IceBilizard - 01.11.2016

You need windows 7 service pack 1 for installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package (x86)

Re: Help - NealPeteros - 01.11.2016

What's that?

Re: Help - Kaliber - 01.11.2016

No the Plugin is loaded...

It looks like you created that 3DTextLabel but the text was empty

Re: Help - NealPeteros - 01.11.2016

These are all the lines where I used 3DTextLabel.

CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Zombie Bot", ZOMBIE_COLOR, 0,0,-0.2, 10.0, 25);

format(stringz, sizeof(stringz), "%s Faction Locker\nType (/locker) to access the nearby locker!", FacInfo[ChoosenID][fShortCut]);
FacInfo[ChoosenID][LockerText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringz, COLOR_RED,FacInfo[ChoosenID][LockerX], FacInfo[ChoosenID][LockerY], FacInfo[ChoosenID][LockerZ],12);

format(stringz, sizeof(stringz),"%s Faction Locker\nType (/locker) to access the nearby locker!", FacInfo[i][fShortCut]);
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringz, COLOR_RED,FacInfo[i][LockerX], FacInfo[i][LockerY], FacInfo[i][LockerZ],12);