Mysql Error - Printable Version
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Mysql Error -
qUneT - 01.11.2016
QUERY = INSERT INTO `cars` bla bla ---------------
forward InsertBuyCar(playerid);
public InsertBuyCar(playerid)
new dest2[128],dest[128];
new testcar = CreateVehicle(422,-10,-10,-10,0,0,0,-1);
new vehicleid = testcar;
new i = cache_insert_id();
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vID] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "ID");
cache_get_field_content(i, "Owner",dest);
format(CarsInfo[vehicleid][vOwner], 128,dest);
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vModel] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Model");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vSpawnX] = cache_get_field_content_float(i, "SpawnX");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vSpawnY] = cache_get_field_content_float(i, "SpawnY");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vSpawnZ] = cache_get_field_content_float(i, "SpawnZ");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vSpawnA] = cache_get_field_content_float(i, "SpawnA");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vColor1] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Color1");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vColor2] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Color2");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vFuel] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Fuel");
CarsInfo[vehicleid][vHealth] = cache_get_field_content_int(i, "Health");
In callback "InsertBuyCar"
02:46:11 cache_insert_id OK connection: 1
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_int OK row: 0, field_name: "ID", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content OK row: 0, field_name: "Owner", connection: 1, max_len: 128
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_int OK row: 0, field_name: "Model", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_float OK row: 0, field_name: "SpawnX", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_float OK row: 0, field_name: "SpawnY", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_float OK row: 0, field_name: "SpawnZ", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_float OK row: 0, field_name: "SpawnA", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_int OK row: 0, field_name: "Color1", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('0')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_int OK row: 0, field_name: "Color2", connection: 1
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_int OK row: 0, field_name: "Fuel", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 cache_get_field_content_int OK row: 0, field_name: "Health", connection: 1
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('1')
02:46:11 CMySQLResult::~CMySQLResult() OK deconstructor called
I can't figure it out alone, what's the problem? Row creates succesfully, but it don't load's, what can I do?
Re: Mysql Error -
DTV - 01.11.2016
Are you using the latest version of MySQL?
Re: Mysql Error -
qUneT - 01.11.2016
Re: Mysql Error -
Konstantinos - 01.11.2016
Executing an INSERT query will allow you to retrieve the value generated by auto increment but it will NOT select the data for you to retrieve them at the same callback. Honestly, you don't even need to do that - assign the data to the variables at the same place you call the query.
Re: Mysql Error -
Micko123 - 01.11.2016
Why don't you use R41??
Re: Mysql Error -
qUneT - 06.11.2016
i almost forget about this thred, thank you for the support, i figure it out alone