Skin Arrays - Printable Version
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Skin Arrays -
vassilis - 30.10.2016
Can i make an array of skin ID's so if a player press left/right td it will chang accordingly to the next or previous skin?
Example i have some skins. Do i implement them like that?
PHP код:
new CivilianSkins[7] = {1, 5, 10 ,22, 33, 66, 108};
Or there is another? Way?
PHP код:
if( clickedid == TDLEFT)
//How i can make it so skin changes to previous if he presses left?
else if(clickedid == TDRIGHT)
//Same but in pressing right
How can i implement this?
Re: Skin Arrays -
NeXoR - 30.10.2016
CurrentSkin = Current CivillianSkin[] being viewed at the moment
PHP код:
if( clickedid == TDLEFT)
if(CurrentSkin-- < 0) ShowSkinTextDraw(CivilianSkin[sizeof(CivillianSkin)]);
else ShowSkinTextDraw(CivillianSkin[CurrentSkin--]);
else if(clickedid == TDRIGHT)
if(CurrentSkin++ > sizeof(CivillianSkin)) ShowSkinTextDraw(CivilianSkin[0]);
else ShowSkinTextDraw(CivillianSkin[CurrentSkin++]);
Match it to your gamemode ...
Re: Skin Arrays -
vassilis - 30.10.2016
I don't really think that's correct.
Re: Skin Arrays - justice96 - 30.10.2016
static const CivilianSkins[7] =
1, 5, 10 ,22, 33, 66, 108
new SelectedSkin[MAX_PLAYERS];
if( clickedid == TDLEFT)
if(SelectedSkin[playerid] >= 285)
SelectedSkin[playerid] = 0;
else if(clickedid == TDRIGHT)
if(SelectedSkin[playerid] == -1)
SelectedSkin[playerid] = 284;
// if the player choose a skin and pressed spawn
if(PRESSED(bla bla))
PlayerInfo[playerid][Skin] = GetPlayerSkin(playerid);
SelectedSkin[playerid] = 0;
Re: Skin Arrays -
vassilis - 30.10.2016
Forgot to mention that i already solved before. Thank you justice for help though.