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Random Locations around SA - Printable Version

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Random Locations around SA - iLearner - 24.10.2016


I was wondering if there's any script / include that does a small job for me... i am looking for something that can help me to get cords around all SA.

Lets get to the point, i've got a dayz server, i want to spawn zombies around all SA, i took around 60 cords manually but still they arent enough so i am wondering if any include or script gives me cords for random positions around all SA

Re: Random Locations around SA - HoangNam - 25.10.2016

PHP код:
new rand random(sizeof(RandomSpawn));
Float:RandomSpawn[][7] =
// Positions, (X, Y, Z and Facing Angle)
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playeridRandomSpawn[rand][0], RandomSpawn[rand][1], RandomSpawn[rand][2], 5);
// 5 is size of cp 

Re: Random Locations around SA - Gammix - 25.10.2016

You can find the coordinates in used in grand larceny gamemode.

Re: Random Locations around SA - iLearner - 25.10.2016

How manu spawns are they? 4 or 5?

Ill need at least 100+ (spawning zombies around SA)

Re: Random Locations around SA - Gammix - 25.10.2016

There are around 50+ as far i remember. Check the the include file.