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Getting error, can anyone help ? - Printable Version

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Getting error, can anyone help ? - Thedya - 18.10.2016

Hi guys.

I'm using liberty gm.

[16:12:34] Deboeg
[16:12:34] Deboeg
[16:12:34] Debug: Hello_Mana
[16:12:34] Error #2013 - Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query | Query: UPDATE `contacts` SET `Contact1` = 'None', `Contact2` = 'None', `Contact3` = 'None', `Contact4` = 'None', `Contact5` = 'None', `Contact6` = 'None', `Contact7` = 'None', `Contact8` = 'None', `Contact9` = 'None', `Contact10` = 'None', `ContactNumber1` = '0', `ContactNumber2` = '0', `ContactNumber3` = '0', `ContactNumber4` = '0', `ContactNumber5` = '0', `ContactNumber6` = '0', `ContactNumber7` = '0', `ContactNumber8` = '0' , `ContactNumber9` = '0', `ContactNumber10` = '0' WHERE `ownerID` = '1'
[16:18:07] x
[16:18:07] Deboeg
[16:18:07] Deboeg
[16:18:07] Debug: Hello_Mana
[16:18:07] Error #2013 - Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query | Query: UPDATE `contacts` SET `Contact1` = 'None', `Contact2` = 'None', `Contact3` = 'None', `Contact4` = 'None', `Contact5` = 'None', `Contact6` = 'None', `Contact7` = 'None', `Contact8` = 'None', `Contact9` = 'None', `Contact10` = 'None', `ContactNumber1` = '0', `ContactNumber2` = '0', `ContactNumber3` = '0', `ContactNumber4` = '0', `ContactNumber5` = '0', `ContactNumber6` = '0', `ContactNumber7` = '0', `ContactNumber8` = '0' , `ContactNumber9` = '0', `ContactNumber10` = '0' WHERE `ownerID` = '1'

Every 5 minutes i get this error on panel. why ? or how can i fix it ?

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Thedya - 18.10.2016

stock SavePlayer(playerid)
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][0], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][1], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][2]);
	GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][3]);
	CharacterData[playerid][pInt]  = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
	CharacterData[playerid][pVW]   = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
	GetPlayerHealth(playerid, CharacterData[playerid][pHealth]);
	GetPlayerArmour(playerid, CharacterData[playerid][pArmor]);

	for(new toyID = 1; toyID < MAX_TOYS; toyID++)
		if(ToyData[toyID][toy_Owner] == CharacterData[playerid][pSQLID])
	mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `characters` SET `ip` = '%e', `gender` = '%d', `age` = '%d', `positionx` = '%f', `positiony` = '%f', `positionz` = '%f', `positiona` = '%f'", CharacterData[playerid][pIP], CharacterData[playerid][pGender], CharacterData[playerid][pAge], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][0], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][1], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][2], CharacterData[playerid][pPosition][3]);
	mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `adminlevel` = '%d', `cash` = '%d', `virtualworld` = '%d', `interior` = '%d', `registerdate` = '%e', `lastlogin` = '%e', `ammo1` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pAdmin], CharacterData[playerid][pCash], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid), GetPlayerInterior(playerid), CharacterData[playerid][pRegisterDate], CharacterData[playerid][pLastLogin], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][1]);
    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `houseID` = '%d', `factionID` = '%d', `rank` = '%d', `jobID` = '%d', `materials` = '%d', `Cocaine` = '%d', `pot` = '%d', `skin` = '%d'",szQuery,  CharacterData[playerid][pHouseID],  CharacterData[playerid][pFaction],  CharacterData[playerid][pRank], CharacterData[playerid][pJob], CharacterData[playerid][pMaterials], CharacterData[playerid][pCocaine], CharacterData[playerid][pPot], CharacterData[playerid][pSkin]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `phonenumber` = '%d', `phone` = '%d', `level` = '%d', `respects` = '%d', `paycheck` = '%d', `bizID` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pPhoneNumber], CharacterData[playerid][pPhone], CharacterData[playerid][pLevel], CharacterData[playerid][pRespects], CharacterData[playerid][pPayCheck], CharacterData[playerid][pBizID]);
    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `boatlicense` = '%d', `bikelicense` = '%d', `carlicense` = '%d', `planelicense` = '%d', `developer` = '%d', `betatester` = '%d', `playinghours` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pBoatLicense], CharacterData[playerid][pBikeLicense], CharacterData[playerid][pCarLicense], CharacterData[playerid][pPlaneLicense], CharacterData[playerid][pDev], CharacterData[playerid][pBetaTester], CharacterData[playerid][pPlayingHours]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `weapon0` = '%d', `weapon1` = '%d', `weapon2` = '%d', `weapon3` = '%d', `weapon4` = '%d', `weapon5` = '%d', `weapon6` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][0], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][1], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][2], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][3], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][4], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][5], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][6]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `weapon7` = '%d', `weapon8` = '%d', `weapon9` = '%d', `weapon10` = '%d', `weapon11` = '%d', `weapon12` = '%d', `ammo0` = '%d', `insidebiz` = '%d', `totalfine` = '%d'",
	szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][7], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][8], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][9], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][10], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][11], CharacterData[playerid][pWeapon][12], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][0], CharacterData[playerid][pInsideBiz], CharacterData[playerid][pTotalFine]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `ammo2` = '%d', `ammo3` = '%d', `ammo4` = '%d', `ammo5` = '%d', `ammo6` = '%d', `ammo7` = '%d', `ammo8` = '%d', `ammo9` = '%d', `insidehouse` = '%d'"
	, szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][2], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][3], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][4], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][5], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][6], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][7], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][8], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][9], CharacterData[playerid][pInsideHouse]);
	// From here

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `ammo10` = '%d', `ammo11` = '%d', `ammo12` = '%d', `health` = '%f', `armor` = '%f', `wanted` = '%i'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][10], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][11], CharacterData[playerid][pAmmo][12], CharacterData[playerid][pHealth], CharacterData[playerid][pArmor], CharacterData[playerid][pWanted]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `warrant1` = '%e', `warrant2` = '%e', `warrant3` = '%e', `warrant4` = '%e', `warrant5` = '%e', `warrant6` = '%e'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pWarrant1], CharacterData[playerid][pWarrant2], CharacterData[playerid][pWarrant3], CharacterData[playerid][pWarrant4], CharacterData[playerid][pWarrant5], CharacterData[playerid][pWarrant6]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `prisoned` = '%d', `prisontime` = '%d', `banned` = '%i', `banreason` = '%e', `bannedby` = '%e', `bandate` = '%e', `banstamp` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pPrisoned], CharacterData[playerid][pPrisonTime], CharacterData[playerid][pBanned], CharacterData[playerid][pBanReason], CharacterData[playerid][pBannedBy], CharacterData[playerid][pBanDate], CharacterData[playerid][pBanStamp]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `hospitalized` = '%d', `autologin` = '%d', `musicstream` = '%d', `helper` = '%d', `stealth` = '%d', `newbietog` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pHospitalized], CharacterData[playerid][pAutoLogin], CharacterData[playerid][pMusicStreaming], CharacterData[playerid][pHelper], CharacterData[playerid][pStealth], CharacterData[playerid][pNewbieToggled]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `banappealer` = '%d', `factionmanager` = '%d', `familymanager` = '%d', `housemanager` = '%d', `bannedplayers` = '%d', `kickedplayers` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pBanAppealer], CharacterData[playerid][pFactionManager], CharacterData[playerid][pFamilyManager], CharacterData[playerid][pHouseManager], CharacterData[playerid][pBannedPlayers], CharacterData[playerid][pKickedPlayers]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `leader` = '%d', `facduty` = '%d', `bank` = '%d', `family` = '%i', `boughtvehicle` = '%d', `bounty` = '%d', `lighters` = '%d' WHERE `userID` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pLeader], CharacterData[playerid][pFacDuty], CharacterData[playerid][pBank], CharacterData[playerid][pFamily], CharacterData[playerid][pGotVehicle], CharacterData[playerid][pBounty], CharacterData[playerid][pLighters], CharacterData[playerid][pSQLID]);

    mysql_function_query(MainPipeline, szQuery, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", THREAD_NO_RESULT, playerid);
    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `characters` SET `failedhits` = '%d', `completedhits` = '%d', `username` = '%e', `prisonedBy` = '%e', `prisonReason` = '%e', `blindfolds` = '%d', `ciggerettes` = '%d'", CharacterData[playerid][pFailedHits], CharacterData[playerid][pCompletedHits], CharacterData[playerid][pUsername], CharacterData[playerid][pPrisonedBy], CharacterData[playerid][pPrisonReason], CharacterData[playerid][pBlindFolds],
	printf("Debug: %s", CharacterData[playerid][pUsername]);
	mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `hungrylevel` = '%d', `dealerID` = '%d', `phonebook` = '%d', `adressbook` = '%d', `ties` = '%d', `paycheckamount` = '%d', `armsdealerskill` = '%d', `newbietag` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pHungryLevel], CharacterData[playerid][pDealerID], CharacterData[playerid][pPhoneBook], CharacterData[playerid][pAdressBook], CharacterData[playerid][pTies],
	CharacterData[playerid][pPayCheckAmount], CharacterData[playerid][pArmsDealerSkill], CharacterData[playerid][pNewbieTag]);
	mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `baking` = '%d', `nitro` = '%d' WHERE `userID` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pBakingPowder], CharacterData[playerid][pNitroxide], CharacterData[playerid][pSQLID]);
	return mysql_function_query(MainPipeline, szQuery, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", THREAD_NO_RESULT, playerid);

// ----- [ STOCK FUNCTIONS ] -----

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - ThatFag - 18.10.2016

cuz here doesnt exists any "contacts" update of database

and also pls use

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Thedya - 18.10.2016

Sorry for that, i edit code type.

So what should i do ? should i remove SaveContacts(playerid); on that line ?

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Micko123 - 18.10.2016

He is asking you to show him
stock SaveContacts(playerid)
I think

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Thedya - 18.10.2016

Here is the contact section, is there any problem ?

    for (new t = 1; t < MAX_CONTACTS; t ++)
	    if (!strlen(PhoneContactData[playerid][t][phone_ContactNumber]))
	        format(PhoneContactData[playerid][t][phone_ContactName], 5, "None");


    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `contacts` SET `Contact1` = '%s', `Contact2` = '%s', `Contact3` = '%s', `Contact4` = '%s'", PhoneContactData[playerid][1][phone_ContactName], PhoneContactData[playerid][2][phone_ContactName], PhoneContactData[playerid][3][phone_ContactName], PhoneContactData[playerid][4][phone_ContactName]);
    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `Contact5` = '%s', `Contact6` = '%s', `Contact7` = '%s', `Contact8` = '%s'", szQuery, PhoneContactData[playerid][5][phone_ContactName], PhoneContactData[playerid][6][phone_ContactName], PhoneContactData[playerid][7][phone_ContactName], PhoneContactData[playerid][8][phone_ContactName]);
    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `Contact9` = '%s', `Contact10` = '%s'", szQuery, PhoneContactData[playerid][9][phone_ContactName], PhoneContactData[playerid][10][phone_ContactName]);

    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `ContactNumber1` = '%d', `ContactNumber2` = '%d', `ContactNumber3` = '%d', `ContactNumber4` = '%d'", szQuery, PhoneContactData[playerid][1][phone_ContactNumber], PhoneContactData[playerid][2][phone_ContactNumber], PhoneContactData[playerid][3][phone_ContactNumber], PhoneContactData[playerid][4][phone_ContactNumber]);
    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `ContactNumber5` = '%d', `ContactNumber6` = '%d', `ContactNumber7` = '%d', `ContactNumber8` = '%d' ", szQuery, PhoneContactData[playerid][5][phone_ContactNumber], PhoneContactData[playerid][6][phone_ContactNumber], PhoneContactData[playerid][7][phone_ContactNumber], PhoneContactData[playerid][8][phone_ContactNumber]);
    mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `ContactNumber9` = '%d', `ContactNumber10` = '%d'", szQuery, PhoneContactData[playerid][9][phone_ContactNumber], PhoneContactData[playerid][10][phone_ContactNumber]);
	mysql_format(MainPipeline, szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s WHERE `ownerID` = '%d'", szQuery, CharacterData[playerid][pSQLID]);
	return mysql_function_query(MainPipeline, szQuery, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", THREAD_NO_RESULT, CharacterData[playerid][pSQLID]);

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Thedya - 18.10.2016

Nobody ?

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Sew_Sumi - 18.10.2016

I'd personally be checking the MySQL server, or the mysql log that may be in the sa-mp server folder somewhere.

From the error, that MySQL server may be having trouble and dropping out.

When did it start happening, and was it working in the past?

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Thedya - 18.10.2016

I have teamviewer, if you want you can check ?

Re: Getting error, can anyone help ? - Sew_Sumi - 18.10.2016

Best that you learn, rather than have it done for you. (Also quite dangerous to simply allow people to be connecting to you)

Check if there is a log file for the MySQL in your samp-server folder. There will be other members that will turn up in this thread that will be able to fully help.

I'm not so good with MySQL, but am more aiming toward the troubleshooting side.

Has it ever worked, and what did you change when it stopped working?

As I said, the error seems to point to a dropped connection, so that could be that the MySQL server is having an issue, or it could be a connection issue resulting from the code, or from a bad pipe between your game server, and the MySQL server itself.