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Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - Printable Version

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Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - alexkeward - 15.10.2016

Kind of a rant but meh...

So firstly, everyone wants to become an administrator on a roleplay server, Its undeniable.
So here goes, If you are apply to become an administrator on a roleplay server just stop, its a pain in the ass, you help and help and help with nothing in return, i was ad admin for about 2 years on one server and suddenly i got dropped, i didn't receive any "Thanks for helping" I didn't even receive a reason to why i was dropped.
Then there the "Come on the server now" aspect of it and that is a fucking joke, dont expect your free-time to be "free" because its going to be spent sat there with some 9 year old arguing about someone MGing there name or some shit.
Yes, You can gain some respect from player and others but that doesn't mean shit when you actually think about it, like you are sat there behind a screen administrating a game that you gain nothing from, You might find out what people actually think about you then you might not.
The players are always going to be the same, you have the ones who complain when it doesnt go there way then you have the ones who lick ass trying to become an administrator then once they do become an administrator they drop the whole act and start butt fucking you with a sharpener.

Players are the worst thing about a roleplay servers, 50% of the players complain about one thing, {PD} then the other 50% of the players complain about another {civilians}.
Then there the people who do nothing but talk about other games {CSGO} and then theres the people who do nothing but complain about some other stupid reason like civilians gaining armor or some stupid shit, like why does it matter?.
Your going to find people who like you but then once you've denied a VALID report against them, turn on you and start chatting shit about you.

Actual Roleplay.
Okay so there shit tonnes of thing people want to be changed about roleplay but cant because its a GAME.
People say "That wont happen IRL", bitch like any off this would happen IRL, there is no such thing as Roleplay is all just fancy cops and robbers.
There's the people who want to roleplay as something other then a gangster but then join a mafia or become a business man who has a front of legal but actually deal drugs or have secret hidden guns in there trunks.

Anyway, im done, let me know what you think of Roleplay servers, Sorry if i dont make sense in some parts, literally just decided to do this, Dont make fun of me i will probably regret this tomorrow or some shit.

Alot of other shit i can add just cant be fucked at this moment in time.

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - vassilis - 15.10.2016


Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - NightcoreSage - 19.10.2016

You really got it right! there is many shit in Roleplay servers.

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - Djean - 19.10.2016

Originally Posted by NightcoreSage
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You really got it right! there is many shit in Roleplay servers.
Curse Roleplay servers all you want; they have been around for a long time and will be around. There are bad ones about many good ones. Get to know a server before putting your 120% into it because at the end of the day we are all humans and not everyone will be perfect and in this case; servers. It's a game so enjoy yourselves.

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - Splodyf23 - 20.10.2016

If you don't like a RP server just leave it be!! Its not like they're even using any bit of your internet data? So just leave them be , and join a nice server and play there and BE HAPPY!!!

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - BurnZ - 20.10.2016

I see you got the idea from my thread. But the CnR and RP community are completely different. Likewise, they both have shit servers. But CnR is a different story...

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - SnowWolf - 20.10.2016

Someone found out administrating is a duty and not roses and glory.
If you became an administrator in the hopes of being respected without doing your actual duty, you've been probably booted for the right reasons. Add to that the fact that you even admitted denying a valid report against one of your protegйes confirms that you're a shit administrator.

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - alexkeward - 20.10.2016

Originally Posted by SnowWolf
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Someone found out administrating is a duty and not roses and glory.
If you became an administrator in the hopes of being respected without doing your actual duty, you've been probably booted for the right reasons. Add to that the fact that you even admitted denying a valid report against one of your protegйes confirms that you're a shit administrator.
Did you not read it all?, Clearly says i was an administrator for about 2 years, no server is going to keep a "shit administrator" on there team is they are shit are they?, Use commend sense and realize what your defending.

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - AndySedeyn - 20.10.2016

I'm confused as to what you expect to get out of this rant. Our opinion on your situation? Our experiences (if so, why)? Most of what you describe here is not specifically related to roleplay; it happens on any type of server on a constant basis. The only point which you mentioned that can specifically be related with roleplay is the "that can't happen IRL" complaint. But even then, what is the point? Your findings are not new, I'm 1000% sure that anyone who actively participates in online communities has experienced exactly this.

Either way, it often feels good to write a rant about something that you are not entirely satisfied with, so I don't blame you

Re: Everything you need to know about roleplay server. - Revazix - 20.10.2016

Apply water to burned area.