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Debug - Razturach - 08.10.2016

[16:29:02] [debug] Run time error 6: "Invalid instruction"
[16:29:02] [debug]  Unknown opcode 0xfffffffc at address 0x000083DC
[16:29:02] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[16:29:02] [debug] #0 000083dc in AccountRetrive (playerid=0) at C:\Users\*\Desktop\Server\include\YSI\internal\
[16:29:02] [debug] #1 0001e1dc in public SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect (playerid=0) at test.pwn:80
[16:29:02] [debug] #2 00017898 in public S@@_OnPlayerConnect (playerid=0) at C:\Users\*\Desktop\Server\include\
[16:29:02] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[16:29:02] [debug] #4 00009b54 in public Itter_OnPlayerConnect (playerid=0) at C:\Users\*\Desktop\Server\include\YSI\internal\
[16:29:02] [debug] #5 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[16:29:02] [debug] #6 000001f4 in public OnPlayerConnect (playerid=0) at C:\Users\*\Desktop\Server\include\YSI\
Using simple mysql registration system and nothing else, however the register dialog doesn't pop up, I assume because of the things I posted above, does anyone have a clue what's wrong?

Re: Debug - Konstantinos - 08.10.2016

Can you post that script? I'm really curious how crashdetect reports (old YSI) and AccountRetrive when this function is not in the include. Post line 80 from test.pwn as well.

I'll presume that you use old version of includes and plugins so you better update them.