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GetPlayerFacingAngle ?!? - Printable Version

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GetPlayerFacingAngle ?!? - qUneT - 07.10.2016

Hi there, is a problem with GetPlayerFacingAngle or i'm just idiot?

Here's the problem, GetPlayerFacingAngle is not updating, i need to enter an exit a vehicle for it to update, what's the problem?

Re: GetPlayerFacingAngle ?!? - Luicy. - 07.10.2016

Mind showing us your code of saving it in your variable?

Re: GetPlayerFacingAngle ?!? - qUneT - 07.10.2016

	new Float:Ai;
	GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Ai);
	GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Ai);
	CarsInfo[id][cSpawnA] = Ai;
	new string2[125];
	OwnedCarID[id] = CreateVehicle(CarsInfo[id][cModel], CarsInfo[id][cSpawnX], CarsInfo[id][cSpawnY], CarsInfo[id][cSpawnZ], Ai, CarsInfo[id][cColor1], CarsInfo[id][cColor2], -1);
It's a /park command, if i type /park, it works, but if I type again in another angle it give's me the old angle, i need to exit and enter again form the vehicle to work properly

Edit: I just made a command

    new Float:Ai;
	GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Ai);
	new string2[125];
	return 1;
it seems in a vehicle the angle don't update, hmm, i have an idea

Re: GetPlayerFacingAngle ?!? - Luicy. - 07.10.2016

So that's a /park? Then you have to check the vehicle's angle using GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)), Ai);

Re: GetPlayerFacingAngle ?!? - qUneT - 07.10.2016

I tried, it just don't work properly

Edit: Done