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How to find the smallest number in an array ? - Printable Version

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How to find the smallest number in an array ? - NeXoR - 30.09.2016

So, I have been told to find the smallest number in an array, that's what I did
PHP код:
    // Task 1
new biggest 0;
0sizeof(Arr); i++) if(Arr[i] > biggestbiggest Arr[i];
printf("The highest number is: %d"biggest);
// Task 2
new smallest biggest;
0sizeof(Arr); i++) if(Arr[i] < smallestsmallest Arr[i];
printf("The smallest number is: %d"smallest); 
And my fellow scripter told me that there is another way to do it, instead of run two loops I can run only one
And he gave me a hint to use hexa numbers, anyone's got a clue ?

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - Vince - 30.09.2016

Not sure why you would need hexadecimal numbers, except perhaps to represent the highest and lowest possible numbers. After a while you know those by heart: 0x7FFFFFFF is the largest possible number that can be stored in a 32-bit unsigned integer. This is equal to roughly 2.14 billion. Likewise, 0x80000000 is the smallest possible number, equal to -2.14 billion.

And yes, if you need to find both lowest and highest then you can indeed bundle them in a single loop.

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - SickAttack - 30.09.2016

pawn Код:
new array[] = {3, 7, 2, 4, 5, 8, 2, 9, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7}, highest, lowest = 9999;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(array); i ++)
    if(array[i] > highest)
        highest = array[i];
    else if(array[i] < lowest)
        lowest = array[i];

printf("Highest: %d", highest);
printf("Lowest: %d", lowest);

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - NeXoR - 30.09.2016

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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pawn Код:
new array[] = {3, 7, 2, 4, 5, 8, 2, 9, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7}, highest, lowest = 9999;
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(array); i ++)
    if(array[i] > highest)
        highest = array[i];
    else if(array[i] < lowest)
        lowest = array[i];

printf("Highest: %d", highest);
printf("Lowest: %d", lowest);
That's the point, I have been asked to get the lowest number, without stating a number beforehand (without lowest = 9999) so it can get the lowest number no matter what the highest is.
Do you know a way to do it ?
I mean doing the Task 2 point without using task1 or stated variables (lowest = X)

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - SickAttack - 30.09.2016

Originally Posted by NeXoR
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That's the point, I have been asked to get the lowest number, without stating a number beforehand (without lowest = 9999) so it can get the lowest number no matter what the highest is.
Do you know a way to do it ?
I mean doing the Task 2 point without using task1 or stated variables (lowest = X)
pawn Код:
new array[] = {3, 7, 2, 4, 5, 8, 2, 9, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7}, lowest = array[0];
for(new i = 1; i < sizeof(array); i ++)
    if(array[i] < lowest)
        lowest = array[i];

printf("Lowest: %d", lowest);
You have to initialize the variable, because it starts at 0. Now it should work regardless of what the highest number is.

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - NeXoR - 30.09.2016

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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pawn Код:
new array[] = {3, 7, 2, 4, 5, 8, 2, 9, 2, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7}, lowest = array[0];
for(new i = 1; i < sizeof(array); i ++)
    if(array[i] < lowest)
        lowest = array[i];

printf("Lowest: %d", lowest);
You have to initialize the variable, because it starts at 0. Now it should work regardless of what the highest number is.
That should make it, I would have repped you if I could I just did it too soon xD

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - Jayse - 30.09.2016

I know you fixed it already, but I would like to share this for anyone who's looking for a function like this (not expecting anything)

PHP код:
returnLowestValuearr[ ], len ) {
val 0x7FFFFFFF;
    for( new 
ilen++ ) if( arr] < val val arr];

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - SickAttack - 30.09.2016

Originally Posted by Jayse
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I know you fixed it already, but I would like to share this for anyone who's looking for a function like this (not expecting anything)

PHP код:
returnLowestValuearr[ ], len ) {
val 0x7FFFFFFF;
    for( new 
ilen++ ) if( arr] < val val arr];

That's what Vince explained. I guess it's better to just assign the first value of the array to the variable since it will cut one cycle off the loop.

Re: How to find the smallest number in an array ? - NeXoR - 30.09.2016

Originally Posted by Jayse
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I know you fixed it already, but I would like to share this for anyone who's looking for a function like this (not expecting anything)

PHP код:
returnLowestValuearr[ ], len ) {
val 0x7FFFFFFF;
    for( new 
ilen++ ) if( arr] < val val arr];

I'll take a note of it, thanks.