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Help with timer - Printable Version

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Help with timer - ,TomY' - 24.09.2016

Hi. I have timer:
SetTimer("Bussines",  		60000,   true);
And code:

f_public: Bussines(playerid)
new String[128];
for(new Bussines; Bussines < MAX_BUSSINES; Bussines ++) 
                    sscanf(Bussinesinf[Bussines][Owner], "r", ownerid); 
                    if(ownerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) 
                       Bussinesinf[Bussines][Profit] += Bussinesinf[Bussines][Earning]; 
		format(String, sizeof(String), "UPDATE `bussines` SET Profit = '%d' WHERE ID = '%d'", Bussinesinf[Bussines][Profit], Bussines;
This code must add Earning to Profit. But.... He adding 2x Earning. For example, if Earning = 15 , code adding in 1 minute 30... Why?

Re: Help with timer - ,TomY' - 25.09.2016

still need help.