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OnPlayerGiveDamage - Printable Version

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OnPlayerGiveDamage - MerryDeer - 23.09.2016


This callback get called when player HP get increased by shoot or no?

Re: OnPlayerGiveDamage - Lynn - 23.09.2016

It's called when you give damage to anther player.


Is called when you take damage.

Re: OnPlayerGiveDamage - MerryDeer - 23.09.2016

No, i need just know OnPlayerGiveDamage if i use there getplayerhealth i always get old health?

Re: OnPlayerGiveDamage - GoldenLion - 23.09.2016

On both OnPlayerTakeDamage and OnPlayerGiveDamage you will get the amount of health that player had before taking the default damage.