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IsPointInDynamicArea - Printable Version

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IsPointInDynamicArea - MerryDeer - 11.09.2016


If i have create polygon it don't have z coordinate, so IsPointInDynamicArea z coordinate i can write any number?

Re: IsPointInDynamicArea - Threshold - 11.09.2016

It depends on what values you've put in CreateDynamicPolygon.

CreateDynamicPolygon(Float:points[], Float:minz = -FLOAT_INFINITY, Float:maxz = FLOAT_INFINITY, maxpoints = sizeof points, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1);
Your 'minz' and 'maxz' are respectively your minimum and maximum Z coordinate. If your z coordinate falls out of range of those two values, IsPointInDynamicArea will return false.