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Question about includes - Printable Version

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Question about includes - Kimble - 03.09.2016

Do they really need to be at /pawno/include or can i include them from let's say /gamemodes/some_gamemode/includes ?

And do includes really have to have an .inc extension?


Re: Question about includes - saffierr - 03.09.2016

Yes they do.

Re: Question about includes - Nero_3D - 03.09.2016

You can include from anywhere, the extention doesn't matter

Re: Question about includes - Vince - 03.09.2016

Long answer: if the include name is enclosed in angle brackets <> then the Pawn parser will only look in a set of predefined directories (i.e. pawno\include). If not, the directive symbolizes a path relative to the current directory. To travel up through the directory structure you use "..", e.g. "../settings.cfg" would include that file from the server's root directory.

Re: Question about includes - Kimble - 04.09.2016

Thanks everyone.