[REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
StrikerZ - 28.08.2016
So my textdraw's font got some problems. Can you see that shadow in that font and its italic wtf is wrong with it?
new Text:Textdraw;
public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[], success)
Textdraw = TextDrawCreate(328.000000, 380.000000, "Server: Command not found. Use /help to see a list of all available commands.");
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw, 0.293599, 0.927999);
TextDrawTextSize(Textdraw, 0.000000, 686.000000);
TextDrawAlignment(Textdraw, 2);
TextDrawColor(Textdraw, -2147483393);
TextDrawUseBox(Textdraw, 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(Textdraw, -6750038);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(TutTxtdraw[85], 255);
TextDrawSetOutline(TutTxtdraw[85], 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(TutTxtdraw[85], 1);
TextDrawFont(Textdraw, 3);
SetTimerEx("HideTextDraw", 3000, 0, "i", playerid);
return 1;
forward HideTextDraw(playerid);
public HideTextDraw(playerid)
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw);
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
StrikerZ - 28.08.2016
EDIT:+1 more bug is that if I enter a bicycle [ like ID 481] we cant ride it it will not move forward nor backwards stay still at position and its unmoveable whats wrong with that also?
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
StrikerZ - 29.08.2016
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
MaazS - 29.08.2016
what the actual fuck is that text draw on your screen lmfao...give me a few minutes let me find out what the fuck you did
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
MaazS - 29.08.2016
also are you sure it isn't this "TextDrawSetOutline(TutTxtdraw[85], 1);"? i don't really do textdraws often so idk
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
MaazS - 29.08.2016
sorry for so many posts, but i know your bmx issue. i hopped on your server. in the NGG script that you are using, you can't use car engine on a BMX. however, the engines are considered off on the BMX after you spawn them.
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
StrikerZ - 29.08.2016
Thats a textdraw which appears on the screen when someone types wrong cmd
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
Sanady - 29.08.2016
Just disable shadows in your project file in textdraw editor, it`s easy.
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
StrikerZ - 29.08.2016
i did its still same
Re: [REP][URGENT]Textdraw problem -
JakeXxX - 29.08.2016
TextDrawBackgroundColor(TutTxtdraw[85], 255);
TextDrawSetOutline(TutTxtdraw[85], 1);
Remove these and compile the file and it should be gone.