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MySQL Aka System - sampkinq - 26.08.2016

Hi, How do I withdraw IP address of the player's names ?
MySQL Version: R39-5

Re: MySQL Aka System - justjamie - 26.08.2016

new ip[25]; GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, 25);

no need for mysql lol.
no problem

Re: MySQL Aka System - DarkSkull - 26.08.2016

Re: MySQL Aka System - Stinged - 26.08.2016

If you want to get a player's IP:

SELECT `IP` FROM `users` WHERE `Name` = '%e'
NOTE: Everything in red can be different (depending on your table)

If you want to get all the names that share a certain IP:

SELECT `Name` FROM `users` WHERE `IP` = '%s'

Re: MySQL Aka System - sampkinq - 26.08.2016

Originally Posted by Stinged
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If you want to get a player's IP:

SELECT `IP` FROM `users` WHERE `Name` = '%e'
NOTE: Everything in red can be different (depending on your table)

If you want to get all the names that share a certain IP:

SELECT `Name` FROM `users` WHERE `IP` = '%s'
All the names of the user, How do I withdraw ?

new isim[24];
if(sscanf(params, "s[24]", isim)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{D324FF}Kullanım: {FFFFFF}/Aka (IP)");
new query[128];
mysql_format(g_SQL, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `Isim` FROM `oyuncudata` WHERE `IPAdress` = '%s'", isim);
mysql_tquery(g_SQL, query, "AkaCek", "ds", playerid,isim);
return 1;

function:AkaCek(playerid, ip_adress[])
	new rows, fields;
	cache_get_data(rows, fields);
    	 for(new i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
			new isim[24];
			cache_get_field_content(i, "Isim", isim);
	SendClientMessage(playerid, ERROR_COLOR_HD, "yok.");
return 1;

Re: MySQL Aka System - Gammix - 26.08.2016

Originally Posted by Stinged
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If you want to get a player's IP:

SELECT `IP` FROM `users` WHERE `Name` = '%e'
NOTE: Everything in red can be different (depending on your table)

If you want to get all the names that share a certain IP:

SELECT `Name` FROM `users` WHERE `IP` = '%s'
I would recommend a subnet cum CIDR check which i implemented in GAdmin and also you can use IpMatch function:
pawn Код:
static GetIPVal(const ip[])
    new len = strlen(ip);
    if (!(len > 0 && len < 17))
        return 0;

    new count;
    for (new i; i < len; i++)
        if (ip[i] == '.')

    if (!(count == 3))
        return 0;

    new address = strval(ip) << 24;
    count = strfind(ip, ".", false, 0) + 1;
    address += strval(ip[count]) << 16;
    count = strfind(ip, ".", false, count) + 1;
    address += strval(ip[count]) << 8;
    count = strfind(ip, ".", false, count) + 1;
    address += strval(ip[count]);
    return address;

stock IpMatch(const ip1[], const ip2[], rangetype = 26)
    new ip = GetIPVal(ip1);
    new subnet = GetIPVal(ip2);

    new mask = -1 << (32 - rangetype);
    subnet &= mask;

    return bool:((ip & mask) == subnet);
In this case you have to loop through all rows:
pawn Код:
When the data load, use cache_get_field_content to retrieve a row's IP (new rowip[18]).
And then compare with player's ip (new pip[18]):
pawn Код:
if (IpMatch(rowip, pip))
    // player matched

Re: MySQL Aka System - Stinged - 26.08.2016

Originally Posted by Gammix
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I would recommend a subnet cum CIDR check which i implemented in GAdmin and also you can use IpMatch function:
pawn Код:
static GetIPVal(const ip[])
    new len = strlen(ip);
    if (!(len > 0 && len < 17))
        return 0;

    new count;
    for (new i; i < len; i++)
        if (ip[i] == '.')

    if (!(count == 3))
        return 0;

    new address = strval(ip) << 24;
    count = strfind(ip, ".", false, 0) + 1;
    address += strval(ip[count]) << 16;
    count = strfind(ip, ".", false, count) + 1;
    address += strval(ip[count]) << 8;
    count = strfind(ip, ".", false, count) + 1;
    address += strval(ip[count]);
    return address;

stock IpMatch(const ip1[], const ip2[], rangetype = 26)
    new ip = GetIPVal(ip1);
    new subnet = GetIPVal(ip2);

    new mask = -1 << (32 - rangetype);
    subnet &= mask;

    return bool:((ip & mask) == subnet);
In this case you have to loop through all rows:
pawn Код:
When the data load, use cache_get_field_content to retrieve a row's IP (new rowip[18]).
And then compare with player's ip (new pip[18]):
pawn Код:
if (IpMatch(rowip, pip))
    // player matched
I'll search later on my PC if there's any other way to do that without looping through all rows.

But why do you use that awful way of converting an IP to decimal?
You can do something like this (Might have some indentation mistakes cause I'm on my phone)

GetIPVal(const ip[])
    new ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4;
    if (sscanf(ip, "p<.>iiii", ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4))
        return 0;

    if (!(0 <= ip1 <= 255) || !(0 <= ip2 <= 255) || !(0 <= ip3 <= 255) || !(0 <= ip4 <= 255))
        return 0;

    return ip1*16777216 + ip2*65536 + ip3*256 + ip4;

Re: MySQL Aka System - Gammix - 26.08.2016

Originally Posted by Stinged
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I'll search later on my PC if there's any other way to do that without looping through all rows.

But why do you use that awful way of converting an IP to decimal?
You can do something like this (Might have some indentation mistakes cause I'm on my phone)

GetIPVal(const ip[])
    new ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4;
    if (sscanf(ip, "p<.>iiii", ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4))
        return 0;

    return ip1*16777216 + ip2*65536 + ip3*256 + ip4;
For the matter of fact, i am not the original mentor of GetIPVal. And i didn't care enough to look or try to change the code of R@f!

EDIT: Without sscanf version:
pawn Код:
static GetIPVal(const ip[])
    new len = strlen(ip);
    if (!(len > 0 && len < 17))
        return 0;

    new count;
    new pos;
    new dest[3];
    new val[4];
    for (new i; i < len; i++)
        if (ip[i] == '.' || i == len)
            strmid(dest, ip, pos, i);
            pos = (i + 1);
            val[count] = strval(dest);
            if (!(1 <= val[count] <= 255))
                return 0;
            if (count > 3)
                return 0;
    if (count != 3)
        return 0;

    return ((val[0] * 16777216) + (val[1] * 65536) + (val[2] * 256) + (val[3]));

stock IpMatch(const ip1[], const ip2[], rangetype = 26)
    new ip = GetIPVal(ip1);
    new subnet = GetIPVal(ip2);

    new mask = -1 << (32 - rangetype);
    subnet &= mask;

    return bool:((ip & mask) == subnet);