[IDEA] Innovation in servers -
DavidEstanislau - 13.08.2016
Hi guys. I'm a big fan of war server style "Call of Duty" and RolePlay servers. And one day I was playing on the server that I usually play, and was reading the communications of my team "/ r". I WOOOW! It's fantastic. I imagined a RolePlay server, but to simulate war. Yes, it would be TDM-style RP. You can bring many people to these styles of play, because there are people who like to RP and TDM .. If we combined the two styles of play in GM only, have many players probably. I imagined all .. pictured to the maps, kkkkk. I was with a desire to play more there, to make communications more "RP's" .. I wanted to leave this idea to you and such, like one day to see this online GM and full of kkkkk players: D
Suggestions? Some here:
Countries: America, Iran, Russia, Iraq. | Organizations: NATO (OTAN), ONU, Al Qaeda, Isis.
Countries, would be for all players who have no faction or WAR with other countries. Each country would have a President (Political Positions) and the army would have the Marshals and Generals (Military Positions). Not always be war after war .. They could buy houses, cars, have a "secondary employment". Wars could happen only in LV and SF .. Getting LS as city Neutral. But the organizations could attack / invade LS, with reasons for this. Let us imagine that the Al Qaeda attacks LS, then America can respond or else the ONU .. (America or the ONU, because they are participants in the same country). The GM would all have a RP server, and TDM. Innovative systems for wars and such.
Alliance could have systems between countries and Factions (between countries, will be the Presidents thereof, and the factions will be the leader of them.) It would also civilians, as is obvious, Firefighters and etc. But the mnha idea is: 40% RP - 60% TDM (Ideology), obvious that the players would not kill without reason, as this is Anti RP. No RK .. One suggestion to improve the wars would be increased weapon damage. System get injured like DayZ (takes shot in the leg, you walk slow, you fall, you break your leg and such .. A realistic system ... It took a stab, you would have a hemorrogy(Bleeding) or a wound. If you would die you see a doctor and revive you. Being able to use the ambulance and take you to the Base / Hospital or else doctor fighting, which would have a desfrebilhador (to revive command, but with RP). If the wounded had taken Headshot, it is obvious that it would not be revived .. the doctor would have to use compresses, bandages etc etc to stanch the blood of the victim. it could have command drag it in order to make the RP out of danger. it would be a dream to play in a server like this .. already in factions, players could create their own factions.
Re: [IDEA] Innovation in servers -
SickAttack - 13.08.2016
Simulating anything doesn't seem fun at all to me. I know a lot of people that would think the same, and vice versa.
The only way to see if it will thrive, is giving it a chance. But the question is, who will that be? I'm not sure, probably someone that wants to take a risk and likes the idea overall.
Re: [IDEA] Innovation in servers -
Zens - 13.08.2016
You would need so many players for this to work out. And the possibility of it turning into constant mass dm is extremely high.. I don't even think 100 daily players is enough for this to work out, because the map is way too big. Combining tdm and rp is not a good idea either. The gap between tdm servers and rp servers is huge.