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Help with roadblock CMD - Printable Version

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Help with roadblock CMD - ShiffeyTheGamer - 08.08.2016

Hello, I am trying to edit this to where it removes the Barricade and put a cone in it's place, I just cant make the cone spawn at my feet when you place it the cone spawns near where the players head it.


            BarricadeData[i][cadeObject] = CreateDynamicObject(981, fX, fY, fZ, 0.0, 0.0, fA);

Re: Help with roadblock CMD - Freaksken - 08.08.2016

Lower the z-pos.
BarricadeData[i][cadeObject] = CreateDynamicObject(981, fX, fY, fZ - 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, fA);
Adjust the number in red, till you are satisfied. I'd suggest using Edit(Player)Object and OnPlayerEditObject to find the value in red easily.

Re: Help with roadblock CMD - ShiffeyTheGamer - 09.08.2016
