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V.I.P Expire - Ahmed21 - 06.08.2016

Hello guys, I have made a VIP system, I made it to give the player one month of vip when i /setvip him. I have already tested it. It said: expires in blablablabla 59 seconds then 56 seconds. Now, how to remove the player's vip lvl when it expires? Help please.

pInfo[playerid][VIPExpire] < Stores the expiry time. (Gettime + one month)

Re: V.I.P Expire - Ahmed21 - 06.08.2016

I mean "how to remove his vip lvl when the vip expires" = How to check if the gettime is bigger than his VIPExpire, and if it is bigger = pInfo[playerid][VIP] = 0.

Re: V.I.P Expire - Logic_ - 06.08.2016

Something like this can work.
PHP код:
/*get vip expire time*/ getdate)
remove his vip level
string[100], format(stringsizeof(string), "Your VIP level will expire on %d"vip level variable);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1string);

Re: V.I.P Expire - Ahmed21 - 06.08.2016

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Something like this can work.
PHP код:
/*get vip expire time*/ getdate)
remove his vip level
string[100], format(stringsizeof(string), "Your VIP level will expire on %d"vip level variable);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1string);

My question isnt how to make this "funktion", it is where to put this function? In a repeating timer or what

Re: V.I.P Expire - Logic_ - 06.08.2016

Use the function when a player connects or use a timer of 10 minutes thats a public or a global timer and loop through all the players and execute the function.

Re: V.I.P Expire - Shinja - 06.08.2016

PHP код:
new Expire[MAX_PLAYERS];
Expire[targetid] = gettime()+2592000;//30days(seconds)
//save Expire
//load Expire
//Expire[playerid] = 0;
Expire[playerid] < gettime()) pInfo[playerid][VIP] = 0;

Re: V.I.P Expire - Logic_ - 06.08.2016

Shinja, do you even know OnPlayerUpdate is called frequently and will cause lag, I am sure he wants to send a message to client when he removes the vip level, and if he sends the message in the OPU, it will spam the chat.

Re: V.I.P Expire - Shinja - 06.08.2016

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Shinja, do you even know OnPlayerUpdate is called frequently and will cause lag, I am sure he wants to send a message to client when he removes the vip level, and if he sends the message in the OPU, it will spam the chat.
Ah, yes my bad. Just gave a example, he can set a timer for it or anything instead of OnPlayerUpdate

Re: V.I.P Expire - G4M30V3R - 06.08.2016

Seconds convert to:

#define Minutes(%0) %0 * 60
#define Hours(%0) %0 * 3600
#define Days(%0) %0 * 86400
#define Weeks(%0) %0 * 604800
#define Month(%0) %0 * 2592000

Use a timer, not this callback!