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Some textdraws are stretched - Printable Version

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Some textdraws are stretched - Mokless - 06.08.2016

I'm not sure what's wrong with this. I have some textdraws, they shows up stretched. Here is a picture.

Re: Some textdraws are stretched - Logic_ - 06.08.2016

Show us the codes.

Re: Some textdraws are stretched - Shinja - 06.08.2016

What tool you used to create textdraws?

Re: Some textdraws are stretched - Mokless - 06.08.2016

Originally Posted by Shinja
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What tool you used to create textdraws?
TDEditor by adri1
Only some textdraws are getting affected.

Re: Some textdraws are stretched - Shinja - 06.08.2016

Strange... are you using any variable for the size, try to create new ones and compare the sizes
Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Show us the codes.