I have problem this include... only compile the script and the pawno shut down... WHY?
FormatNumber by Slice.
FormatNumber( number, decimals, thousand seperator, decimal point )
number - This can be any variable type (float, integer, bool, etc.)
If you want the value to be printed as HEX, tag the variable with hex. Example:
new myvariable = 5312851;
FormatNumber( hex:myvariable ); // gives 0x00511153
Additionaly, you can print out the bits of either the first byte or the whole cell by using the following tags: bit:, bit_byte:
If you get a type error, tag the variable with _. Example:
new omgomg:specialVariable = omgomg:5;
FormatNumber( _:specialVariable ); // gives 5
decimals - The number of decimals to show
new mynumber = 50;
FormatNumber( mynumber, 2 ); // gives 50.00
new Float:myfloat = 123.456;
FormatNumber( myfloat, 0 ); // gives 123
thousand seperator - char between thousands
new mynumber = 5000000000;
FormatNumber( myfloat ); // gives 5 000 000 000
FormatNumber( myfloat, 0, ',' ); // gives 5,000,000,000
FormatNumber( myfloat, 0, 0 ); // gives 5000000000
decimal point - duh
new myfloat = 50.0;
FormatNumber( myfloat, 2, ' ', ',' ); // gives 50,00
FormatNumber( myfloat, 2, ' ', '~' ); // gives 50~00
You can set these constants __before__ including this file:
HEX_PREFIX - default value "0x". Example:
#define HEX_PREFIX "#"
#include <formatnumber.inc>
FormatNumber( hex:50000 ); // gives #0000C350
BIT_PREFIX - default value: "0b"
DEFAULT_DECIMAL_COUNT - default value: 8
DEFAULT_THOUSAND_SEP - default value: ' '
DEFAULT_DECIMAL_POINT - default value: '.'
#if defined _formatnumber_included
#define _formatnumber_included
#if !defined HEX_PREFIX
#define HEX_PREFIX "0x"
#if !defined BIT_PREFIX
#define BIT_PREFIX "0b"
stock FormatNumber( { _, Float, Text3D, Menu, Text, DB, DBResult, bool, File, hex, bit, bit_byte, Bit }:xVariable, iDecimals = -1, iThousandSeparator = DEFAULT_THOUSAND_SEP, iDecimalPoint = DEFAULT_DECIMAL_POINT, iTag = tagof( xVariable ) )
s_szReturn[ 32 ],
s_szThousandSeparator[ 2 ] = { ' ', EOS },
if ( iTag == tagof( bool: ) )
if ( xVariable )
memcpy( s_szReturn, "true", 0, 5 * ( cellbits / 8 ) );
memcpy( s_szReturn, "false", 0, 6 * ( cellbits / 8 ) );
return s_szReturn;
else if ( iTag == tagof( Float: ) )
if ( iDecimals == -1 )
format( s_szReturn, sizeof( s_szReturn ), "%.*f", iDecimals, xVariable );
else if ( iTag == tagof( hex: ) || iTag == tagof( Hex: ) )
format( s_szReturn, sizeof( s_szReturn ), HEX_PREFIX "%04h%04h", ( xVariable & ( 0xFFFF0000 ) ) >>> 16, xVariable & ( 0x0000FFFF ) );
return s_szReturn;
else if ( iTag == tagof( bit: ) || iTag == tagof( Bit: ) )
format( s_szReturn, sizeof( s_szReturn ), BIT_PREFIX "%08b%08b%08b%08b", ( xVariable & 0xFF000000 ) >>> 24, ( xVariable & 0x00FF0000 ) >>> 16, ( xVariable & 0x0000FF00 ) >>> 8, ( xVariable & 0x000000FF ) );
return s_szReturn;
else if ( iTag == tagof( bit_byte: ) )
format( s_szReturn, sizeof( s_szReturn ), BIT_PREFIX "%08b", ( xVariable & 0x000000FF ) );
return s_szReturn;
format( s_szReturn, sizeof( s_szReturn ), "%d", xVariable );
if ( iDecimals > 0 )
strcat( s_szReturn, "." );
while ( iDecimals-- )
strcat( s_szReturn, "0" );
s_iDecimalPos = strfind( s_szReturn, "." );
if ( s_iDecimalPos == -1 )
s_iDecimalPos = strlen( s_szReturn );
s_szReturn[ s_iDecimalPos ] = iDecimalPoint;
if ( s_iDecimalPos >= 4 && iThousandSeparator )
s_szThousandSeparator[ 0 ] = iThousandSeparator;
s_iChar = s_iDecimalPos;
s_iSepPos = 0;
while ( --s_iChar > 0 )
if ( ++s_iSepPos == 3 )
strins( s_szReturn, s_szThousandSeparator, s_iChar );
s_iSepPos = 0;
return s_szReturn;
Remove that "FormatNumber" include file, and add this function at somewhere in your gamemode: