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Actor sync bug - Printable Version

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Actor sync bug - yutaruta - 22.07.2016

Hello, im having a trouble...
In my gamemode, the 80 percent of features uses actors.

The problem is that the actor spawns correctly, but after a while, they move automatically to wrong positions.

This problem was reported many times, i saw a lot of videos showing this bug.

But, how to fix it?

Maybe with a timer that setactorpos every few seconds?

Or there is another solution?

Re: Actor sync bug - SickAttack - 22.07.2016

Maybe they move because of the animations? Having lockx and locky disabled.

Re: Actor sync bug - Logic_ - 23.07.2016

Actor can be moved by pushing, you can either every 15-25 seconds put them at their positions or do what SickAttack said.

Re: Actor sync bug - SickAttack - 23.07.2016

Originally Posted by ALiScripter
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Actor can be moved by pushing, you can either every 15-25 seconds put them at their positions or do what SickAttack said.
Yeah, they can be pushed with vehicles.