You can use gang zones to do this to start with because you want people to buy some land. Hence you can map lands and mark them as gang zones on the map.
A Helpful tutorial on creating gang zones : Then later you can just add prices sort of system, gangzones are a good way just to map and hence make land available for people to purchase. |
There have been many posts like this on the forums. i dont play on Lawless but i can tell by watching their video on ******* that, they are using Custom Functions like, CreateLand(playerid, radius, posx,y,z); (or something like that)
for easy coding. What you do is, store the X,Y,Z in PlayerID's file with a Land ID. that makes him the owner of that Particular Land. You can use IsAtHisOwnedLand() (or something like this) to check if he is standing on his own land. You can use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, radius of land,X,Y,Z) to check if he is standing with in his land. What others meant to say Use GangZones to display lands on Map. You can make a Furniture system like, /buyfurniture and check if IsAtHisOwnedLand(), you allow him to create a Object there. if the Object after saying goes out of land area, you DestroyObject() or may be show player a warning. |
#define MAX_LANDS 100 //Maximum number of lands
#define INVALID_LAND_ID -1
new playerLand[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Stores the land id of the player
enum lInfo
Float:lID, //Used to store the result of GangZoneCreate
Float:lMinX, //Needed for gangZone
Float:lMinY, //Needed for gangZone
Float:lMaxX, //Needed for gangZone
Float:lMaxY, //Needed for gangZone
lOwner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], //Owner's name
lOwned, //Set it to 0 it none owns it, or 1 if someone does
lCreated //Set it to 1 if the land exists, or 0 if it doesn't
new landInfo[MAX_LANDS][sizeof(lInfo)];
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
playerLand[playerid] = INVALID_LAND_ID;
return 1;
stock getFreeLandID()
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LANDS; i++)
return i;
You will need minX, minY, maxX, maxY coords to create a gangzone.A gangzone doesn't care about Z.
stock createLand(playerid, Float:minX, Float:minY, Float:maxX, Float:maxY) //Function used by admins to create the land
new landID = getFeeLandID(); //Store a free land ID
landInfo[landID][lMinX] = minX;
landInfo[landID][lMinY] = minY;
landInfo[landID][lMaxX] = maxX;
landInfo[landID][lMaxY] = maxY;
strcpy(landInfo[landID][lOwner], "No-one");
landInfo[landID][lOwned] = 0;
landInfo[landID][lCreated] = 1;
landInfo[landID][lID] = GangZoneCreate(minX, minY, maxX, maxY); //Same as: GangZoneCreate(landInfo[landID][lMinX], landInfo[landID][lMinY], landInfo[landID][lMaxX] = maxX, landInfo[landID][lMaxY] = maxY);
GangZoneShowForAll(landInfo[landID][lID], 0xFFFFFF93); //0xFFFFFF93 can be replaced with any color.
//Send message that a land has been created
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "All the land zones are used.");
//returns the landID a specific player is inside of or INALID_LAND_ID if the player isn't inside any land
stock getPlayerLandID(playerid)
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LANDS; i++)
if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, landInfo[i][lMinX], landInfo[i][lMinY], landInfo[i][lMaxX], landInfo[i][lMaxY]))
return i;
stock isPlayerInOwnLand(playerid)
if(playerLand[playerid] != INVALID_LAND_ID) //Checks if the player owns any land
new landID = playerLand[playerid]; //Store the land ID
if(landInfo[landID][lCreated]) //Checks to see if the land exists
if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, landInfo[landID][lMinX], landInfo[landID][lMinY], landInfo[landID][lMaxX], landInfo[landID][lMaxY])) //Check to see if player is in his own land
return 1;
return 0;
stock onLandBought(playerid, landID)
new playerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, playerName, sizeof(playerName));
playerLand[playerid] = landID;
//Update the land info
landInfo[landID][lOwned] = 1;
strcpy(landInfo[landID][lOwner], playerName);
CMD:buyland(playerid, params[])
new landID = getPlayerLandID(playerid);
//Your code
onLandBought(playerid, landID);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Message to let him know he's not in any zone.");
return 1;
//Cmd for admins
CMD:createland(playerid, params[])
new Float:minX, Float:minY, Float:maxX, Float:maxY;
if(sscanf(params, "ffff", minX, minY, maxX, maxY))
return SCM(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "/createland [minX] [minY] [maxX] [maxY]");
createLand(playerid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
return 1;
return 0;
//Useful functions
stock strcpy(dest[], const source[], maxlength=sizeof dest)
strcat((dest[0] = EOS, dest), source, maxlength);
We'll use this function to see if playerid is inside a land
public IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:minx2, Float:miny2, Float:maxx2, Float:maxy2)
new Float:xa, Float:ya, Float:za;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, xa, ya, za);
if (xa > minx2 && xa < maxx2 && ya > miny2 && ya < maxy2) return 1;
return 0;
You can't create a GangZone using only X, Y, Z.I did a little script to give you an idea of how to do it. I'm sorry if there are a few mistakes, kinda wrote it in a hurry. |
GangZoneShowForAll |
CreateDynamicPickup |