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How do I put a players initials in a string? - Printable Version

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How do I put a players initials in a string? - Unfriendly - 16.07.2016

For my vehicle plate system I'd like to set it up so that a players tag is made using his/her first and last initials,followed by the vehicle ID when a player buys a vehicle.

Example: John_Smith buys vehicle id 420 (not model id, but vehicle id)

His vehicle plate: JS420

Re: How do I put a players initials in a string? - Stinged - 16.07.2016

new str[24], pos;
GetPlayerName(playerid, str, 24);
pos = strfind(str, "_");
if (pos != -1)
    new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehcileID(playerid);
    format(str, sizeof (str), "%c%c%i", str[0], str[pos+1], vehicleid);
    SetVehicleNumberPlate(vehicleid, str);

Re: How do I put a players initials in a string? - Vince - 16.07.2016

PHP код:
format(platesizeof plate"%c%c%03d"name[0], name[strfind(name"_") + 1], vehicleid
Something like that.

Edit: ^ we had the same idea. ^_^

Re: How do I put a players initials in a string? - Unfriendly - 16.07.2016

Thanks so much for the replies. Here's what I have now.
I get this error when I compile : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small

edit: I put stars near the part of the code you actually need to read.

	if(dialogid == DIALOG_VEHICLE_BUY)
			if(GetPlayerVehicles(playerid) >= MAX_PLAYER_VEHICLES)
				ShowErrorDialog(playerid, "You can't buy any more vehicles! Max: " #MAX_PLAYER_VEHICLES );
				return 1;
			new id = GetPVarInt(playerid, "DialogValue1");
			if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < VehicleValue[id])
				ShowErrorDialog(playerid, "You don't have enough money to buy this vehicle!");
				return 1;
			new freeid = GetFreeVehicleID();
				ShowErrorDialog(playerid, "Vehicle dealership is out of stock!");
				return 1;
			GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -VehicleValue[id]);
			new dealerid = strval(VehicleOwner[id]);
			VehicleCreated[freeid] = VEHICLE_PLAYER;
			VehicleModel[freeid] = VehicleModel[id];
			VehiclePos[freeid] = DealershipPos[dealerid];
			VehicleColor[freeid] = VehicleColor[id];
			VehicleInterior[freeid] = VehicleInterior[id];
			VehicleWorld[freeid] = VehicleWorld[id];
			VehicleValue[freeid] = VehicleValue[id];
			GetPlayerName(playerid, VehicleOwner[freeid], sizeof(VehicleOwner[]));
			new str[24], pos;
*************GetPlayerName(playerid, str, 24);
			pos = strfind(str, "_");
			if (pos != -1)
			    new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
			    format(str, sizeof (str), "%c%c%i", str[0], str[pos+1], vehicleid);
************** VehicleNumberPlate[freeid] = str;
			for(new d=0; d < sizeof(VehicleTrunk[]); d++)
				VehicleTrunk[freeid][d][0] = 0;
				VehicleTrunk[freeid][d][1] = 0;
			for(new d=0; d < sizeof(VehicleMods[]); d++)
				VehicleMods[freeid][d] = 0;
			VehiclePaintjob[freeid] = 255;
			VehicleLock[freeid] = 0;
			VehicleAlarm[freeid] = 0;
			UpdateVehicle(freeid, 0);
			new msg[128];
			format(msg, sizeof(msg), "You have bought this vehicle for $%d", VehicleValue[id]);
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, msg);
			new id = GetPVarInt(playerid, "DialogValue1");
			if(GetPlayerVehicleAccess(playerid, id) < 1)
		return 1;

Re: How do I put a players initials in a string? - Unfriendly - 16.07.2016

Would you like to work together possibly? Everything else I have works fine. ^^

Re: How do I put a players initials in a string? - Stinged - 16.07.2016

Use this function to copy strings. Don't do something like "string = str"
#define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat((%0[0] = '\0', %0), %1)


strcpy(dest[], const source[], dest_size = sizeof dest)
    dest[0] = '\0';
    strcat(dest, source, dest_size);
And then use
strcpy(VehicleNumberPlate[freeid], str, 7);
Also, what's the size of VehicleNumberPlate? It needs to be at least 7.

Re: How do I put a players initials in a string? - Unfriendly - 16.07.2016

Originally Posted by Stinged
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Use this function to copy strings. Don't do something like "string = str"
#define strcpy(%0,%1) strcat((%0[0] = '\0', %0), %1)


strcpy(dest[], const source[], dest_size = sizeof dest)
    dest[0] = '\0';
    strcat(dest, source, dest_size);
And then use
strcpy(VehicleNumberPlate[freeid], str, 7);
Also, what's the size of VehicleNumberPlate? It needs to be at least 7.
Not sure I understand how to implement that into my code.
The size of VehicleNumberPlate is 16

Edit: Nvm I figured it out. LOL.
It compiled. We'll see if it works.

Edit 2: It works flawlessly! Thanks so much.