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GetVehicleModel help. - Printable Version

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GetVehicleModel help. - Farzam - 16.07.2016

Hello, today I was scripting, but I faced a problem.
the problem is I don't know how to get player's vehicle id, to get VehicleModel.
PHP код:
IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid0xFF0000FF"ERROR: You're not in any vehicle!");
dialog[1024], string[128];
format(stringsizeof string,"Vehicle owner: %s | Vehicle name: %s \n Color1 : %d, color2 : %d | Vehicle ID: %d "VehicleInfo[vehicleid][owner], 
I couldn't do more, because second const, is related to car model , and I couldn't get player's vehicle ID. Can some one help me please?

Re: GetVehicleModel help. - Konstantinos - 16.07.2016

The vehicle ID the player is in? GetPlayerVehicleID

Re: GetVehicleModel help. - Farzam - 16.07.2016

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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The vehicle ID the player is in? GetPlayerVehicleID
There is no way with getplayervehicleid to take id as an string. so It doesn't help.

Re: GetVehicleModel help. - Luicy. - 16.07.2016

Isn't there intval as strval, and you can use %i in format.

Re: GetVehicleModel help. - Konstantinos - 16.07.2016

Why would you even need a string, the integer value returns is more than enough and it DOES help:

pawn Код:
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
pawn Код:
// modelid:

// owner's name:
"vehicleid" is needed to get the name and colors of the vehicle as well.