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HELP! - dh240473 - 14.07.2016

I Need Some Help . Why When I Took So Many Color It Doesn't Appear
PHP код:
               new masuk[700];
dini_Exists(string)){ format(AccInfo[playerid][Tags],128,dini_Get(string,"Tags")); }
format(masuksizeof(masuk), ""red".:::::|"green"-»[ | %s | {000099}%s"yellow"["red"%d"yellow"] "green"has joined Universal Freeroam Malaysia ! ]«-"red"|:::::.",AccInfo[playerid][Tags],nama(playerid), playerid);

Re: HELP! - WhiteGhost - 14.07.2016

Why dont just use hex colors instead if "Red" ?

Re: HELP! - dh240473 - 14.07.2016

Originally Posted by WhiteGhost
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Why dont just use hex colors instead if "Red" ?
did you mean {FF000}?

Re: HELP! - [cS]Owain - 14.07.2016

Show us how have you defined colors in #define lines.
It should be like this :
#define red "{ff0000}"

Re: HELP! - WhiteGhost - 14.07.2016

Originally Posted by dh240473
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did you mean {FF000}?
Exactly. Use them instead of "red" etc and check if it works.

Look at my code:

PHP код:
new masuk[700]; 

format(masuksizeof(masuk), "{FFFFFF}.:::::|{FFFFFF}-»[ | %s | {000099}%s{FFFFFF}[{FFFFFF}%d{FFFFFF}] {FFFFFF}has joined Universal Freeroam Malaysia ! ]«-{FFFFFF}|:::::.",AccInfo[playerid][Tags],nama(playerid), playerid); 
Just replace {FFFFF} with the colors u want.

Re: HELP! - Sew_Sumi - 14.07.2016

Originally Posted by WhiteGhost
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Exactly. Use them instead of "red" etc and check if it works.

Look at my code:

PHP код:
new masuk[700]; 

format(masuksizeof(masuk), "{FFFFFF}.:::::|{FFFFFF}-»[ | %s | {000099}%s{FFFFFF}[{FFFFFF}%d{FFFFFF}] {FFFFFF}has joined Universal Freeroam Malaysia ! ]«-{FFFFFF}|:::::.",AccInfo[playerid][Tags],nama(playerid), playerid); 
Just replace {FFFFF} with the colors u want.
That's going backwards sorry.

What he's trying to do is better, along with an easier way of making the various embedding readable, in a more visual way.

Re: HELP! - Krauser123 - 14.07.2016

Use hex color it's more useful and you could even create your own color for pawn ! use a program that called "ColorPicker" You can ****** it it's very very useful and awesome !

Re: HELP! - Vince - 14.07.2016

The maximum output length for a client message is 144 characters (not 700) and you're already consuming nearly half of them by using eight colors (64 characters).