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help please - Printable Version

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help please - JuzDoiT - 13.07.2016

server going off when i use some commands , maybe some other plugins need to use


[13:28:56] Number of vehicle models: 173
[13:29:26] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[13:29:27] Incoming connection: id: 0
[13:29:27] [join] NoWayOut has joined the server (0:
[13:29:52] [part] NoWayOut has left the server (0:1)
[13:30:16] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[13:30:17] Incoming connection: id: 0
[13:30:17] [join] NoWayOut has joined the server (0:
[13:30:29] RCON (In-Game): Player #0 (NoWayOut) has logged in.
[13:30:50] [debug] Server crashed while executing test.amx
[13:30:50] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[13:30:50] [debug] #0 native fwrite () from samp-server.exe
[13:30:50] [debug] #1 000198b0 in ?? (1781764 from test.amx
[13:30:50] [debug] #2 000744dc in ?? (0, 1757878 from test.amx
[13:30:50] [debug] #3 0003de30 in public cmd_adminpass (0, 17802560) from test.amx
[13:30:50] [debug] #4 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[13:30:50] [debug] #5 000063dc in public OnPlayerCommandText (0, 1780250 from test.amx
[13:30:51] [debug] Native backtrace:
[13:30:51] [debug] #0 776d6b90 in ?? () from C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
[13:30:51] [debug] #1 004972e0 in ?? () from samp-server.exe
[13:30:51] [debug] #2 0040534e in ?? () from samp-server.exe

Re: help please - Mencent - 13.07.2016


Can you show us your callback "OnPlayerCommandText", please?

Re: help please - JuzDoiT - 13.07.2016

yes , probem is in dialog's maybe because when i use an command with dialog samo-server.exe closed..

and i dont know what plugins i need to use on this script .. i just use sscanf streamer whirlpool mapandeas..


#define ERROR_MESSAGE "Invalid Command. Use /cmds For A Valid List Of Commands."


//Start ZCMD Callbacks
public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[], success)
if(!success) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, ""ERROR_MESSAGE"");
return 1;

//End ZCMD Callbacks

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, ""ERROR_MESSAGE"");