Why i don't see my NPC Zombie Bots after compile and use FCNPC?(+REP) -
MarkNelson - 11.07.2016
Hello, can someone answer me? why i don't see my NPC Zombie Bots after compile the script without any warning/error ? i'm using FCNPC ? can someone answer me?
Re: Why i don't see my NPC Zombie Bots after compile and use FCNPC?(+REP) -
Freaksken - 11.07.2016
Again, give people information to work with.
Do we just need to guess what your code is?
Re: Why i don't see my NPC Zombie Bots after compile and use FCNPC?(+REP) -
MarkNelson - 11.07.2016
man everything is working good.
here is my FCNPC Lines in the GM:
stock ZombieInit()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ZOMBIES; i++)
new name[24];
format(name, 24, "Zombie_%d", i + 1);
new npcid = FCNPC_Create(name);
new Random = random(sizeof(RandomZombieSpawns));
FCNPC_SetHealth(npcid, 100);
return 1;
stock FCNPC_GoToPlayerEx(npcid, playerid, Float:dist, Float:rangle, movetype = MOVE_TYPE_WALK, UseZMap = 0)
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:fa;
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, fa);
rangle += fa;
x = (x + dist * floatsin(-rangle,degrees));
y = (y + dist * floatcos(-rangle,degrees));
FCNPC_GoTo(npcid, x, y, z,movetype,10,UseZMap);
stock FCNPC_Punch(npcid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, PunchResetDelay = 125)
FCNPC_AimAt(npcid, x, y, z, 0);
FCNPC_SetKeys(npcid, 0x80 + 4);
SetTimerEx("ResetNPCKeys", PunchResetDelay, false, "i", npcid);
return 1;
So help please
Re: Why i don't see my NPC Zombie Bots after compile and use FCNPC?(+REP) -
MarkNelson - 11.07.2016
Re: Why i don't see my NPC Zombie Bots after compile and use FCNPC?(+REP) -
OmegaKiller72 - 11.07.2016
Try to FCNPC_SetInterior(npcid, interiorid); or FCNPC_SetVirtualWorld(npcid, worldid);