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Check if player has the weapon - Printable Version

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Check if player has the weapon - GoldenLion - 11.07.2016

Hi, how would it be possible to check if player has a specific weapon?
Let's say I want to create a /givegun command (example), and when I give player a gun, it checks if player already has the given weapon, if player doesn't have the weapon it will give him the weapon, else it will say "player already has that weapon" or something. It's just an example, I need that for something else. :P

Re: Check if player has the weapon - K0P - 11.07.2016

if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) != yourweaponid)
{ do your stuff

Re: Check if player has the weapon - VVWVV - 11.07.2016

Use this function:
	IsPlayerUsingWeapon(playerid, _weaponid)
{ // Author: VVWVV
	const MAX_WEAPONS_SLOTS = 13;
	static ammo, weaponid;
	for (new i; i != MAX_WEAPONS_SLOTS; i++)
		if (GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid,
			i, weaponid, ammo) == 0)
			return 0;
		if (weaponid == _weaponid)
			return 1;
	return 0;

Re: Check if player has the weapon - GoldenLion - 11.07.2016

Originally Posted by K0P
Посмотреть сообщение
if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) != yourweaponid)
{ do your stuff
It only checks what weapon player is holding.

Originally Posted by VVWVV
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Use this function:
	IsPlayerUsingWeapon(playerid, _weaponid)
{ // Author: VVWVV
	const MAX_WEAPONS_SLOTS = 13;
	static ammo, weaponid;
	for (new i; i != MAX_WEAPONS_SLOTS; i++)
		if (GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid,
			i, weaponid, ammo) == 0)
			return 0;
		if (weaponid == _weaponid)
			return 1;
	return 0;
Thanks, it works, but I just realized that I already have that in my script lol, u earned a rep tho