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[If Statement] Comparing value to multiple integers - Printable Version

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[If Statement] Comparing value to multiple integers - Jonesy96 - 08.07.2016

Hi all,

I want to compare a variable against a lot of different integers. I tried the following, expecting it to fail and it did. However, it should give you an idea of what I'm trying to do:

if(myVariable != 1 && 2 && 8 && 12 && 13 && 14 && 15){
How do I actually do this, with out having 'myVariable' in the if statement a million times over?


Re: [If Statement] Comparing value to multiple integers - SickAttack - 08.07.2016

You can't.

Re: [If Statement] Comparing value to multiple integers - AbyssMorgan - 08.07.2016

PHP код:
12812131415: {}
    default: {
//bla bla

Re: [If Statement] Comparing value to multiple integers - Ritzy2K - 08.07.2016

Or if you really want to use if-else, and also want to compare strings or multiple variables then don't move to switch.

It should be something like this -

if(YourVariable != 1 && YourVariable != 1) // goes on.

Re: [If Statement] Comparing value to multiple integers - Jonesy96 - 08.07.2016

Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan
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PHP код:
12812131415: {}
    default: {
//bla bla

Thanks, good idea.

Originally Posted by [ND]xXZeusXx.
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Or if you really want to use if-else, and also want to compare strings or multiple variables then don't move to switch.

It should be something like this -

if(YourVariable != 1 && YourVariable != 1) // goes on.
Thanks, but this is the point of my question, and what I want to avoid.