I need help :'( (+REP) -
MarkNelson - 06.07.2016
hello, how to set a player death anim?
can someone show me an example? because i did everything in my own GM script but it's not works so help me please.
Re: I need help :'( (+REP) -
Mencent - 06.07.2016
You can show us your code which don't work. So we can help you with that.
Re: I need help :'( (+REP) -
MarkNelson - 06.07.2016
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "PED", "KO_shot_front",4.1,1,1,1,1,1);
SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid) + 1);
SendClientMessage(killerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"Good Job +1 For killing that enemy");
PlayerPlaySound(playerid,4804,0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
return 1;
Re: I need help :'( (+REP) -
Mencent - 06.07.2016
You must write it like this:
PHP код:
//global in the script:
new Float:DeathX[MAX_PLAYERS],Float:DeathY[MAX_PLAYERS],Float:DeathZ[MAX_PLAYERS],bool:death[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
death[playerid] = true;
if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid) + 1);
SendClientMessage(killerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"Good Job +1 For killing that enemy");
PlayerPlaySound(playerid,4804,0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(death[playerid] == true)
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "PED", "KO_shot_front",4.1,1,1,1,1,1);
return 1;
After OnPlayerDeath is OnPlayerSpawn called and you will be spawn after you are death. So you need an boolean (a variable) to set a value that you are death and spawn you back in OnPlayerSpawn.
My english is bad, but I hope you understand me.
Re: I need help :'( (+REP) -
MarkNelson - 06.07.2016
oh look what happend now?
i have an error IG
When the player dies he still do the normal dead animation. i wanted a head shoot death animation or something
Re: I need help :'( (+REP) -
Mencent - 06.07.2016
Oh, and like this?
PHP код:
//global in the script:
new Float:DeathX[MAX_PLAYERS],Float:DeathY[MAX_PLAYERS],Float:DeathZ[MAX_PLAYERS],bool:death[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
ApplyAnimation(playerid, "PED", "KO_shot_front",4.1,1,1,1,1,1);
death[playerid] = true;
if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid) + 1);
SendClientMessage(killerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"Good Job +1 For killing that enemy");
PlayerPlaySound(playerid,4804,0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if(death[playerid] == true)
return 1;
Re: I need help :'( (+REP) -
MarkNelson - 06.07.2016
Yes like that.
when the player die he do the normal death animation but when he respawned he re-do it much times
Re: I need help :'( (+REP) -
Mencent - 06.07.2016
OK, yet I know what do you mean.
You can't change the standart animation (only with a mod). Server side you can't change it. Sorry.