error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented - Printable Version
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error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented -
IamPuzo - 05.07.2016
Hello guys, i was compiling script and got these 23 errors with same reason, i'm tired of fixing it.
Help me!
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9006) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9043) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9045) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9429) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9430) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9431) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9432) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9433) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9434) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9435) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9436) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9569) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9586) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9608) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(9650) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(10376) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(20724) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(24650) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(26620) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(26863) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(30807) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(30815) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\ OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn(36213) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
23 Errors.
Re: error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented -
AbyssMorgan - 05.07.2016
show line 9006
Re: error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented -
IamPuzo - 05.07.2016
Line 9006
OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, "/fon");
Re: error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented -
AbyssMorgan - 05.07.2016
if you want to do a redirect command to use it
PHP код:
cmd_fon(playerid,""); //when a command has parameters
just as in other places
Re: error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented -
IamPuzo - 05.07.2016
Most are fixed, but cannot fix these.
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn( 26862) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, iStr);
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn( 30806) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
OnPlayerCommandText(iPlayer, iReason);
C:\Users\Faisal\Downloads\OLD\gamemodes\Games.pwn( 30814) : error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented
PlayerLoop(i) OnPlayerCommandText(i, iReason);
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
3 Errors.
Re: error 004: function "zcmd_OnPlayerCommandText" is not implemented -
IamPuzo - 05.07.2016